Star Wars Ladies Go Disney!

Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm was approved today which means one thing: there will only be more Disney-Star Wars mash ups in the future.  We may outwardly roll our eyes but inside, I think we can all agree that if we don’t see Jedi Princess Jasmine or Disney Princess Leia or some combination of Aurora and Amidala in one costume around conventions next year that we shall all be disappointed.  Endless possibilities, folks, endless possibilities.

I’m going to go ahead and publicly blame Brian for this post.  I’m a bit obsessed with messing around with doll makers and he decided that I should share these designs with you.  So the short version is that while I did make these, it’s not my fault.

And with that, I shall simply present my answer to the question “What would the ladies of the Star Wars universe look like if they were part of an animated Disney film?”

Princess Leia Organa Solo

Winter Celchu

Mara Jade Skywalker

Mirax Terrik Horn

Shada D’ukal

Jaina Solo

Vestara Khai

Tahiri Veila

Tenel Ka

Of course, we can’t only show some Disney love for the New Republic era characters!

Queen Amidala


The Exile


9 thoughts on “Star Wars Ladies Go Disney!

  1. why is there no Lyric here? i mean, now that Disney owns Star Wars, it’s like there’s a movie about the Melodie of Yavin 8 just waiting to happen. They will obviously need Jodi Benson and Alan Menken on board.
    Also, there’s no Cray Mingla. Just sayin…

  2. These pictures are sick and disgusting. I have nothing against you and giving the same figure different coloured clothes, but figure itself is disgusting. No one looks like that. I hope disney does not produce anything like that, I think this message of what ‘female beauty’ is supposed to be has gone far enough and should stop. I think there should be more acceptance of all the possible physical and personality traits that women could have, enough of these stupid gender stereotypes that were instituted in around the time of the French revolution solely to allow men to justify their power and dominance of women.

    • You know, I was just going to leave a short ‘Chill out, these were done for fun and you’re barking up the wrong tree if you’re trying to go after people for being anti-feminist.’ response but then I had a stressful day at work and this has been sitting in the back of my mind for the past few hours so instead you’re going to get a nice long reply instead.

      1) You’re clearly new here so I’ll give you a slight break and direct you towards our columns page: . Our bread and butter is basically striving for more equal treatment and more women and diversity in not just Star Wars but also in all media.

      2) These were never intended to be something serious. In fact, these were never intended to be posted on the blog (which you would know if you’d read the post). These were made when I was messing around with one of the Doll Maker sites one day as a form of stress relief and because the Disney-bought-Star Wars was still new and on my mind and Brian (aka, one of the co-editors of this site) asked me to post them there.

      3) You’re clearly unfamiliar with the concept of a Doll Maker so have a primer. I used this one: and no, you can’t change the basic shape of the doll. It’s like a paper doll except on the computer. I’ve made some of these characters, namely Winter, Leia, and Mara into dolls for probably at least half a dozen different dollmakers including another Disney one, a Goddess one, a Tudor England one, an action here one, and a Game of Thrones one. It’s an exercise in not just stress relief but also in design and in seeing if I can still capture a character’s personality through different clothing styles.

      4) No one said that Disney is going to produce anything like this but mash ups are a staple of fan art and cosplay. You are absolutely not within your rights to yell at people for creating something like this whether it be me or any one else. This was done in a specific style and as something fun. I can but assume that you also hate everything that Disney does with their animated films then since, again, the doll maker itself was created in that style. No one is pushing any one ideal of female beauty here. It is simply an art style even though I’d never call myself an artist.

      5) Acknowledging different body types and different races is definitely important. No one is saying that it isn’t. We’ve all written and spoken at length about things like this around the internet. This was not intended to make a statement and just went along with the initial craze surrounding the excitement of Disney buying Star Wars and producing new films.

      In short, yes, I am a feminist and yes, I have often written about the need for more diversity and acceptance in media. However, something like this post is not the appropriate battleground. Want to be angry and write to people about how they’re supporting the patriarchy? Take it out on the people who say that asking for more diversity in Star Wars is being overly politically correct and stupid. Take it out on the people who say that comics aren’t for girls. Take it out on the dudebros who degrade women who aren’t skinny, white, and traditionally hot who “dare” to cosplay as their favorite character regardless of their own looks. Take it out on the people who think that two female main characters are too many. Take it out on the people who leave blatantly racist or misogynistic or fat shaming comments on people’s work. Take it out on the dudebros who chase women out of their local gaming or comic stores for having two XX chromosomes. Don’t take it out on a post with harmless next gen paper dolls designs because you know what? Hating on the more traditionally feminine or “girl’s toys” sorts of things when there are girls and women who continue to enjoy them doesn’t help anything. Feminism encompasses all women, not just those who fit the “new” mold.

      • Sorry, I have never been on this blog before and have/had no idea what your actual opinions are. I understand now that we are probably of a similar opinion, and I apologize for not understanding how much this was in fun and just leaving it. However, probably from experiencing a similar emotion to what you just felt, I just wanted to vent what was on my mind and get it out so it wouldn’t bother me.

        I’m not a feminist in general, more of an ‘individualist’ actually. All I wish was that people would think more about stereotypes that we experience every day, think critically about them, and really evaluate whether they are true or not. I do appreciate you addressing the sort of stereotypes that would arise in this sort of conglomeration, it has made me think and hopefully makes other people think too.

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