Tosche Station Radio – A New Hope Live Commentary


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Our third installment in Tosche Station Radio’s live commentary track series brings us to A New Hope. Joining us this time around are Jonathan and Heath.


  • We will be using the Blu Ray discs for these recordings. The recently released digital copies will also work
  • Each recording will start at the 00:00:00 mark (the black screen before the logos appear)
  • We will give a “3, 2, 1, play” count. When we say play, that’s your cue to start the film

Sit back and enjoy!

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of and a part of Majestic Giraffe Productions. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.

This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and your support on Patreon!

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EU Retrospective: Lead Up to Yavin

So I didn’t actually read all four books as planned but it was not my fault!  The library has taken over two weeks to get me the requested copy of Shadow Games and I’m not so desperate to read it that I felt like delaying the Waru Express any longer than I already have.  I have struck it from the list and it will be replaced by The New Rebellion.  More likely than not, I will read it anyways once it finally arrives but not in order.  Sorry if anyone was really looking forward to my thoughts on that book.  I might include it as a footnote in another post.

But enough of that!  On with the show and three very very very different books.

Death Troopers
I really have no idea what I was expecting from this book but it probably should’ve been exactly what the book gave me.  It is definitely a horror story set in the Star Wars universe.  Surprisingly, I actually rather enjoyed it and I’m not necessarily a big horror fan.  This goes back to a comment I think I made a few posts ago about how there really is something for everyone in the Expanded Universe.  Schrieber introduces mostly new characters and I even found myself caring about some of them particularly the doctor, Zahara Cody.

I was not, however, expecting Han and Chewbacca to show up.  Wow do those two get around and attract a lot of danger in the process.  Maybe they should considering retiring to a nice quiet planet without any moons.  Joe Schreiber actually writes a pretty good Han and Chewbacca.  I especially liked how he wrote scenes from Chewbacca’s point of view instead of taking the easy way out and writing them from Han’s.  The only “criticism” I have isn’t actually a criticism but just a comment that there wasn’t much tension in regards to their fates since the book is set before A New Hope.

All in all, it’s a short (and I really do mean short at only 234 pages) read but definitely worth it especially if you’d like a change from the Expanded Universe status quo.  At the very least, it’s worth a try.  Zombies on a Star Destroyer, folks, zombies on a Star Destroyer.  What’s not to love?

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Star Wars Turns 35

Happy Real Star Wars Day!

Thirty-five years ago today, Star Wars: A New Hope hit theaters and gave birth to the wonderful and occasionally nutty fandom that we all love so dearly. As you can expect, the entirety of the Internet is getting in on the action and celebrating both the 35th anniversary of A New Hope and the 29th anniversary of Return of the Jedi. To keep tabs on what’s going on around the web, keep your eyes on this Club Jade post.