Tosche Station Radio Interviewing Aaron Allston

Have a question for the Expanded Universe’s most prolific author? Send us a tweet, leave a Facebook message, or drop a comment in this post! We’ll be interviewing Aaron Allston on Wednesday, June 6th.

While we can’t promise we’ll have time to get to everyone’s questions, Nanci and I will do our best to get to as many as possible.

Origins Day Three Recap: More with Allston, Zahn, and Stackpole

Day three at the Origins Game Fair brings more discussions from Expanded Universe authors Timothy Zahn and Aaron Allston as well as a reading session from Mike Stackpole. No game recommendations today, but I’ll try and get back onto the dealer floor tomorrow to play test one more before heading home.

To the jump!

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Origins Day One Recap: Writing Advice, Mara’s Death, and a Whole Bunch of EU Goodness

The second half of the day brought all sorts of star Wars Expanded Universe goodness. Authors Timothy Zahn, Mike Stackpole, and Aaron Allston were on hand to discuss everything from the writing process to Star Wars. Highlights below the jump!

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Allston, Zahn, Stackpole, Young, and Spendlove Team Up For Origins Exclusive Anthology

Heading to the Origins Game Fair in Columbus this month? You may want to check out a nifty little project Expanded Universe author Aaron Allston announced yesterday.

Time-Traveled Tales is an experiment by GAMA, the organization that runs Origins — it’s the first fiction anthology produced as a souvenir for that convention. Similar anthologies produced for events like the World Fantasy Convention tend to become collector’s items. We’re hoping that the same will come true of this book, and that it will persuade GAMA to produce more in the future.

You can help them with that decision, of course, by buying one…

Time-Traveled Tales is being produced in a limited print run. In the event that the print run does not sell out at the convention, individual authors may have copies for sale in the future. But picking up a copy early at the Origins Game Fair, or asking a friend to pick one up for you, is the only way to be sure of getting a copy. At this moment, we have no idea whether the anthology will be reissued in the future.

Wish us luck with this experiment, and I look forward to seeing you at Origins.

Just who is involved with this project? There’s Allston, of course. Authors and all around cool people Janine Spendlove and Bryan Young have entries in the paperback. Then there’s Tim Zahn and Mike Stackpole, who you just might be familiar with.

I’ll definitely be looking out for a copy when I head down to Columbus later this month. For more information, visit Aaron’s blog.

EU Author Aaron Allston’s Upcoming Appearance Dates

Author, humorist, and Ewok enthusiast Aaron Allston has updated his appearance schedule for the remainder of the year:

  • May 5: Austin, TX | Dragon’s Lair Comics & Fantasy – with Peter Mayhew
  • May 30-June 3: Columbus, OH | Origin’s Game Fair – Michael Stackpole and Timothy Zahn also in attendance and will join Allston on a Star Wars panel or two
  • July 27-29:  Austin, TX | Armadillo Con
  • August 23-26: Orlando, FL | Celebration VI 
  • August 31-September 3: Atlanta, GA | Dragon*Con – Michael Stackpole, Timothy Zahn, and several other Expanded Universe writers will also be in attendance.

If you ever get the chance to see Allston on a panel at a convention, drop whatever it is you’re doing and grab a seat. He’s one of the funniest men alive and puts on an incredibly entertaining show. This year promises to be especially fun as his first X-Wing novel in thirteen years is due out in August.  

via Roqoo Depot

Review – Fate of the Jedi: Conviction

A funny and rather unexpected thing happened while trudging through the latest entry in a series of Star Wars Expanded Universe novels that haven’t exactly jumped out and grabbed my attention. Somewhere in the middle of reading through Aaron Allston’s Conviction (the seventh entry in the much maligned Fate of the Jedi series), I realized I was feeling a strange sensation. I was having fun with this book. Now, that’s not entirely unusual, I wouldn’t be an EU reader if I didn’t manage to derive some kind of fun from every novel I pick up.

No, I was having a lot of fun with this.

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