Review: DJ: Most Wanted

DJ: Most Wanted: It’s fine.

Oh wait. You want more of a review than that? Fine.

(Did you see what I did there?)

Set right before the events of The Last Jedi, DJ: Most Wanted gives us a little more insight into what it’s like to be DJ. Unsurprisingly, it’s basically what you think: a scoundrel who finds trouble and looks out for himself. This isn’t even necessarily a slight against Ben Acker and Ben Blacker because there’s really only so much they could do with a character prequel comic like this and we have seen them do far more captivating work with their Storms of Crait one-shot where it feels like they had more freedom. It’s not a bad comic. It’s just… a comic in which DJ certainly gets into trouble and tossed into jail. If nothing else, the story helps further flesh out Canto Bight. If you want more of these things, it’s worth picking up this issue. Otherwise… it’s fine.

The one delightful thing about this book is that we get to see Kev Walker drawing Star Wars again! There’s no one else I could imagine being the one to draw an incredibly buff Rodian. (No really: look at the size of his biceps!) If nothing else, you can always count on Walker to keep his cast of characters diverse and his backgrounds interesting.

Bottom line? DJ: Most Wanted is fine but not worth going out of your way for.

DJ: Most Wanted: Ben Acker & Ben Blacker/Writers, Kevin Walker/Penciler, Marc Deering/Inker, Java Tartaglia/Colorist, Clayton Cowles/Letterer, Heather Antos/Assistant Editor, Jordan D. White, Editor

Review: Storms of Crait

Without a doubt, Crait was one of the most visually striking things within The Last Jedi. Fields of salt covering red crystals? Yep, I’m on board. When the movie revealed that The Last Jedi was an old Rebel Alliance base, I was excited for this comic to learn more about it. After reading it… Still intrigued even if it wasn’t exactly what I expected.

Learning not to cling to expectations is something that The Last Jedi taught us but that I’m still struggling to truly learn. I expected to see the Rebel Alliance hang around Crait for a while and I also expected to see Amilyn Holdo pop up. Neither of those things happened but that didn’t stop this from being a fun ride.

It’s still sorta Christmas so I’m going to bullet point this thing:

  • WEDGE FREAKING ANTILLES. There hasn’t been enough of Wedge in the new canon and it’s awesome getting to see Acker and Blacker bring him a little more to the forefront.
  • Leia and Luke don’t forget their families/upbringings. Leia’s very aware of what she learned from Bail and if you think you can make the farmboy forget the moisture farm just by taking him off planet…
  • Scar Squadron: Not actually all that great
  • Leia’s Outfit: Actually pretty great
  • 100% here for Mayhew drawing the men of the Rebellion with ripped shirts and jackets.

Is Storms of Crait the most ground-breaking Star Wars story ever? Nah. Is it an effective one-shot that gives you a fun The Last Jedi tie in while also being easily accessible for new comic readers? Absolutely.

Star Wars: Storms of Crait: Ben Acker & Ben Blacker/Writers, Mike Mayhew/Artist, Clayton Cowles/Letterer, Jordan D. White/Editor, Heather Antos/Assistant Editor