Holonet Blast #10

It was another mostly quiet week in the world of Star Wars news, but there were a few things that caught our attention.

Who’s excited about a queer female POC getting a Star Wars action figure? We’re excited about Doctor Aphra getting an action figure.

Meanwhile, are you a fan of Star Wars video content ala Rebels Recon and the Star Wars show? Well rejoice, because there’s more on the way. Star Wars in conjunction with Disney’s Maker talent will be rolling out a show dedicated to Star Wars and science hosted by Anthony Carboni.

It turns out that we are Adam Scott and Adam Scott is us. Watch him fanboy freak out over finally getting to meet his hero Mark Hamill.

From the “Huh, interesting” file, Rian Johnson made one request of J.J. Abrams. Alter the ending of TFA so Artoo made the journey to conclude the film with Rey instead of BB-8 as originally planned.

And we conclude on an adorable note. Mark Hamill surprising the ever loving daylights out of Star Wars fans.