Cosplay Monday: Airbender Family

It’s time for another Cosplay Monday where we try to brighten the start of your work week with some awesome looking cosplay.  One of the best/worst things about a conventions is that there is so much amazing cosplay that you can’t possibly catch it all so you have to look at everyone’s pictures afterwards.  Today’s costume group is one that I saw across the way at Katsucon but couldn’t get away from what I was doing to take a picture.  Luckily, David Ngo snapped a great picture of this amazing Airbender Family group from Avatar: Legend of Korra.  The entire group is nothing short of perfect.  I don’t even need to say anything else.  Just look at their perfection.

Airbending Family DavidNgo

Katsucon Cosplay Round Up

This past weekend was Katsucon, an anime convention held just outside of Washington DC in National Harbor, MD.  In addition to being a great anime convention in general, Katsucon also has the distinction of making its home in the Gaylord, one of the most beautiful hotels I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing which makes for some wonderful photos.  It’s also a nice sized convention that feels neither small nor overcrowded.  (Yes, walking is totally possible here!)  From the panels to the maid cafe to the artist alley and dealer room to simply people watching, there was something for everyone last weekend.  If you live in the area or simply want to check out a fun convention at the most gorgeous hotel of all time, I absolutely recommend checking it out next February.

One of the wonderful things about conventions is the variety of costumes that convention goers (and the innocent people who wander into the hotel) get to see.  Despite being an anime convention, Katsucon boasts a wide variety of costumes from every anime and manga imaginable to western television shows and comics.  Obviously, anime and manga costumes ruled here but there are some fandoms that will always have a presence such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Disney, Homestuck, and both Marvel and DC comics.  This year, I also noticed a solidly large gathering of costumes from last fall’s Rise of the Guardians film and Adventure Time along with a ton of Kid Loki and Korra cosplayers.  And, of course, Sailor Moon continued to have a solid presence, something that is likely to only increase with the anime’s return this year.

(Just as a note, please let me know if you recognize yourself or others in any of these pictures.  Unfortunately, my plan of trying to get cosplayer names mostly backfired due to being in costume myself for much of the convention and touchscreen phones do not work with gloves.  Please feel free to comment though and I’ll be more than happy to edit credit into this post!)

Because we are primarily a Star Wars blog, I’m going to start with some of the great Star Wars costumes I spotted this weekend.  (I did my best to sprint down the corridor after most of the ones I saw but undoubtedly missed a few.)  Check out these Star Wars costumers (and many more!) after the jump! Continue reading

Cosplay Monday: Toph Bei Fong

It’s time for another Costume Monday where we try to make easing back into the work week more bearable with some cool costumes.  We’re going back to a Tosche Station favorite this week and highlighting an amazing costume from Avatar: The Last Airbender.  Check out this great Toph Bei Fong costume by melonl0rd.  Not only does her costume look great but she definitely has the Toph attitude down pat.
