Baltimore Comic Con: 2017 Report

Baltimore Comic Con is like coming home.

It’s not the convention I’ve been attending the longest but it’s the con that I can always count on to reinvigorate my love for comic books (and put a dent in my wallet!) It’s also one of the conventions out there that still truly deserves to have ‘Comic Con’ as a part of its name because comics are definitely the star here.
Okay sure: over the years, BCC has added some Media Guests to supplement its guest line up. These guests always have some geek cred and, while they’re certainly a part of the show, never steal all of the spotlight from the comic guests. I find it fairly telling that I waited longer in Mark Waid’s signing line than I did in Jessica Henwick’s and Skottie Young always had a line about a dozen people deep anytime I walked past his booth. Move over, television stars: the comic writers and artists rule here! If you’ve attended the convention for a few years, many of the faces that you see at guest and artist tables tend to feel familiar. For some shows, that would be a sign of stagnation. For Baltimore Comic Con, it’s a sign of just how much these pros love coming here which is good because the fans love seeing them.

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Baltimore Comic Con 2015: Interview with Mark Waid

Leia_Dodson1Given what a fan I am of Mark Waid’s Marvel work, briefly chatting with him about his work on the Princess Leia series was one of the highlights of my Baltimore Comic Con this year. I loved the heck out of those five issues and was excited to have the chance to ask him all the questions the book left me with and to talk Star Wars in general.  And hey!  It’s not every day that you get to interview someone who just won the Harvey for Best Writer the night before.

Bria: The first question we always ask everyone is how did you become a Star Wars fan?

Mark Waid: I’m old enough to say I was there on opening day. I was there… all right, I have a story. This is a horrible, horrible story that makes me look like an idiot. So… it’s not true. I was not there on opening day. My friends and I got together that weekend and there were six or seven of us and we were having the same argument that you always have when you get six or seven people together on a Saturday night in a car with no direction. They go “Okay, we need to see a movie.” Okay, well there’s a couple of movies opening up this weekend. What do we see? Everyone wanted to see this one movie and I fought really hard to see this other movie because I said, “Look, this is going to be amazing. It’s going to be awesome. It’s going to change your life.” So because I fought for it, we went to see… You Light Up My Life. And I never lived it down. The next weekend, we all saw Star Wars and they were all like, “You idiot! What is wrong with you?” Then that was it. Like everyone else, I saw it a dozen times that summer and it was amazing.

Which is your favorite film?

The second one by far. It just… to manage to take all the stuff that made the first one cool and then add some gravitas was really awesome.

Favorite character? (I know that’s a hard one.)

It is a hard one! I really do think it is Leia.

Mine too! So did you pitch Marvel to do Star Wars? From what I hear, everyone and their mother were calling the editors and saying “I really want to write it!” or did they come to you?

They actually came to me and they said, “We want a Princess Leia series. Are you interested?” While I love the character, I didn’t have a story. I didn’t know where we wanted to go with it and I was on the verge of saying, “Look I appreciate this but this is not for me.” And then I started thinking about… if you let me do it the day after A New Hope ends; if you let me do it the day after and you get a chance to really delve into what it’s like for her to have lost everything? Then I’m in and they totally bought that. That’s really where it stood; the idea that in first movie, there’s no time for it to sink in for her. Continue reading

Baltimore Comic Con 2015: Interview with Charles Soule

This weekend at Baltimore Comic Con, I was lucky enough to chat for a few minutes with the awesome Charles Soule. You may know him as the writer who’s also a lawyer who wrote a fantastic run on She-Hulk last year (amongst other things) but Star Wars fans currently know him as the guy who’s writing the rad Lando limited series for Marvel. We sat down and talked all things Star Wars and about his great work with Alex Maleev on the Lando book.

Bria: So the first question we always ask everyone is how did you become a Star Wars fan?

Charles Soule: Oh man, I’ve been a Star Wars fan since I was a little kid. I went to see the movies with my family. I must’ve seen a release of A New Hope at some point because I would’ve been a baby.

The ’96 ones?

No, it would’ve been before that. I don’t know—they kept rereleasing them for the first ten years or so and I must’ve seen it at that point but I remember very distinctly seeing the AT-ATs come out of the fog in Empire Strikes Back and all the Cloud City stuff which was so amazing. I had all the toys and stuff like that. So I was a fan from pretty young and my whole family was pretty into it so it was something that I could share with my brothers and sister and it was great.

Do you have a favorite one of the original films or any of the movies really. I’m not a Prequel hater. Continue reading

Convention Report: Baltimore Comic Con 2013

bcc_logo smallWhen you step back and compare Baltimore to other conventions, it’s hard to call it anything but rather excellent.  Baltimore Comic Con is that perfect established mid sized convention where the emphasis is absolutely on comics.  There are no media guests, only comic creators.  Sure, you can still see costumes wandering around the convention of all the usual fandom suspects (I have a list of costumes you’ll see at every convention) but this is still a comic book show.

This was (surprisingly) my first year attending Baltimore Comic Con even though it’s my “local” con but it absolutely left me with a positive feeling and a desire to return again next year.  I absolutely recommend it for any interested geeks but especially those who want to see a comic focused show.

That’s the short version.  The long version can be found after the jump.

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