Review: Tempest Runner

Just when you thought we were on a break from the High Republic… a new challenger emerges. Well technically, Tempest Runner by Cavan Scott is not a new story but today marks the first day when Star Wars fans can read the story of Lourna Dee in print as opposed to experiencing it as an audio original. And that? Is definitely a good thing.

The Nihil are not having a good time and one of their Tempest Runners, Lourna Dee, is especially not having a good time. When her latest attack plan fails, Lourna finds herself a captive of the Republic but luckily for her, they don’t know who exactly they have as their prisoner. But escaping from the prison ship the Restitution is not going to be an easy task… especially when her own past is rising back up to haunt her. Continue reading

Review: The Rising Storm

It’s a two-for-one High Republic day as today also sees the publication of The Rising Storm by Cavan Scott. Hope you’re ready for plenty more High Republic stories and feelings because they are not holding back. Seriously.

It’s been months since the Great Disaster and everyone’s been working towards healing in their own ways. In the spirit of unity, Chancellor Lina Soh announces the Republic Fair. The event brings together people from across the galaxy including some of the Jedi as ambassadors of sorts. But it also attracts attention from none other than the Nihil… and that never, ever goes well… Continue reading

Review: Dooku: Jedi Lost

Something Star Wars, something new! It’s always a good day when we get to experience a new story set in the Star Wars universe and Dooku: Jedi Lost by Cavan Scott is something likely familiar to fans of a certain science fiction franchise across the pond but brand new to Star Wars. It’s an audio drama with a full cast in addition to all the excellent production value we’ve come to expect from Random House Audio. Jedi Lost takes us through much of the life of Dooku before we ever meet him, pulling back the curtain on one of the most charismatic and enigmatic characters in the galaxy far, far away.

Set at some point during the Clone Wars, Asajj Ventress has been given a mission by her master Count Dooku: find his sister Jenza. To help, he gives her some of the correspondence that had passed between the siblings dating all of the way back to Dooku’s time as an initiate at the Jedi Temple. Ventress being Ventress though, she pokes around and finds out more than the Sith Lord probably would have preferred and gains a deeper understanding of Dooku than perhaps anyone left living. Continue reading

Review: Choose Your Destiny: A Han & Chewie Adventure

I had absolutely no idea what I’m doing when it comes to a choose your own adventure book but you know what? That’s actually pretty in-character for Han Solo so I’m going to say it works. Star Wars: Choose Your Destiny: A Han & Chewie Adventure by Cavan Scott with illustrations by Elsa Charretier is precisely what it says on the label and hey to top it off, it’s actually rather fun.

As I said before, I’m not exactly a connoisseur when it comes to choose your own adventure books so this was a brand new venture for me. Turns out that I’m not actually all that great at picking the right option: I led Han and Chewie straight into their journey’s premature end at least five times if not more. That’s actually part of what makes this fun because the right choice isn’t always immediately evident. Sometimes, this is because Han has two equally hair-brained ideas such as telling someone that he’s Jabba the Hutt when he’s in a less than ideal situation. (Honestly, it’s actually somewhat impressive how many people in the galaxy don’t know what a hutt looks like…) I only went through the book once but there are apparently twenty different outcomes (although I suspect that I found about a quarter of those given how many times I unsuccessfully guided our favorite smugglers.) This could easily keep someone entertained for a few hours if they wanted to try and find all the different endings.

The bottom line? If you like these sorts of books, you’ll enjoy Choose Your Destiny: A Han & Chewie Adventure. If you’ve never tried a choose your own adventure book, this could well worth giving a try. It’ll keep you (or kids in particular) entertained for a little while and let you have fun flying the Falcon alongside Han Solo and Chewbacca.

Thank you to Disney-Lucasfilm Press for providing a copy of the book for review purposes.