New Star Wars Novels and Short Stories Announced at NYCC

booksIt’s New York Comic Con, which means it’s time for Star Wars literature announcements! At the big Star Wars stories panel at NYCC, the following stories were announced

  • New Republic: Bloodline by Claudia Gray. This novel will take place six years before The Force Awakens
  • Aftermath: Life Debt and Aftermath: Empire’s End by Chuck Wendig
  • A short story about the aliens in Maz Kanata’s castle will be penned by Alan Dean Foster and appear in Star Wars Inisder
  • The Perfect Weapon by Delilah Dawson will be an electronic short story
  • Tales From a Galaxy Far Far Away by Landry Walker will contain a series of short stories.

For dates and more information, be sure to visit the link above!

Review: Lost Stars by Claudia Gray

lost starsLost Stars, the young adult entry in the Journey to the Force Awakens, reads like fanfic.

For many people, the phrases “young adult” and “fanfic” give Lost Stars two strikes before even turning to the first page. There’s a big stigma out there against YA fiction, because, and let’s not be blunt here, teenage girls read it. That’s not to say YA is all great — it can be melodramatic and poorly written — but the same is true of adult books, is it not?

Then there’s the fanfic comparison. Many people like to criticize Expanded Universe books they dislike by calling them “glorified fanfiction.” To me, though, fanfic is not an insult. Fanfic represents a land of opportunities in Star Wars literature. You can write about whoever you want, doing whatever you want, whenever you want. You can stick to canon or split into an alternate timeline. There are no rules. So you could, for example, create your own original characters and have them live through key events of the Galactic Civil War.

Lost Stars takes that common fanfic premise to the extreme, and that’s a good thing. Continue reading