Why Do We Love Star Wars?

There’s a discussion going on in the Club Jade comments (as well as on Twitter) regarding why people read Star Wars books. I took exception to a comment that people don’t read Star Wars books for characterization, but rather for action, because that’s exactly why I started reading the EU. I was 11 years old and had just watched the Original Trilogy. I loved Luke Skywalker (actually all the characters, but Luke especially) and wanted to know what happened to them after the movies. Thankfully, right around that time Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn Trilogy was released. I learned what happened to these characters I loved, as well as got to know new characters, who are still some of my favorites (Mara and Karrde).

As far as action is concerned, I can take it or leave it. My judgment usually falls upon whether or not the action scene did something rather than just drive the plot forward. I’m thinking of the first scene of Rogue Squadron, introducing Corran Horn; any of the action scenes involving Luke in Shadows of Mindor; or the fight with C’baoth in The Last Command,  to name a few. Mindless action in films and television don’t bother me as much, because it’s pretty (or it can be). But in a book, there is nothing that makes me fall asleep faster than action with no plot or character development included.

There’s nothing wrong with lightsaber fights, starfighter dogfights, or chase sequences. I love those, if done correctly. But even in the films, Star Wars has never been just about action. Let’s take a look at the film that started it all,  A New Hope.

  • Starts out with a bang, as Darth Vader captures Princess Leia. The plot is driven forward, but we meet Vader, Leia, the droids, and get a sense of exactly who they are.
  • We move to Tatooine. More character development with the droids. Eventually we come upon the Lars homestead. Basically, this sequence is entirely character development, ending with the death of the Larses and Luke’s decision to go with Obi-Wan to Alderaan.
  • The Cantina. Introduction of Han and Chewie, establishment of conflict with Han and Jabba. The plot moves forward again and we get off planet.
  • Escape from Tatooine. Finally, another action sequence, during which we learn more about Han’s personality and Luke’s “aww, shucks” farm boy nature.
  • Destruction of Alderaan. Is this considered an action sequence? To me, it’s all character development and plot advancement.
  • The Death Star. The action eventually begins, after learning more about Obi-Wan (“there are alternatives to fighting”), Luke (willing to rescue the Princess at any cost), and Han (he just wants a reward). Leia is rescued, and then grabs a gun and decides to take matters into her own hands. Obi-Wan and Vader face each other again. Even without having seen the prequels, we knew that there was something between those two. In the end, Obi-Wan sacrifices himself so Luke and the others can get away.
  • Tie Fighter Attack. This is another pure action sequence, but it’s fun! And it works on film, with clever lines (“Great, kid! Don’t get cocky!” “You hear me, baby? Hold together.”), great music, and eye-popping effects.
  • Arrival at Yavin. More character development and plot advancement. We see Luke jumping headfirst into the Rebellion and Han wanting to get out of there. Leia pushes aside her sorrow to focus on being a leader of the Rebellion.
  • The Battle of Yavin. The climax of the film is one long action sequence, but how boring would it be if there was no dialogue, no music, no concerned looks as the camera flashes to Leia, no cheering when Han Solo returns to blast the TIE fighters off Luke’s tail, no determined expressions as Luke turns off his targeting computer to “use the Force”? In this sequence, we learn that there’s more to Han than money, Luke has what it takes to be a Jedi, Leia is a leader, R2 is the true hero of the saga, and Vader is going to be angry come the next movie!
  • While A New Hope doesn’t have any explicit romance, the hints are there with Han and Leia, and possibly Luke and Leia (yes, ew, but they didn’t know, give them a break). But besides romance between characters, the film itself could be classified as romantic in the broadest sense of the word. I mean, you have Luke getting a kiss for luck, then swinging across the Death Star chasm with John Williams music blaring in the background. If that’s not “romantic”, I don’t know what is!

So there you have it. Does Star Wars, as a franchise, contain action elements? Yes. Is it an action franchise? I say no. There are elements of action, drama, romance, and humor, combined with a ton of character development. In my opinion, the best Expanded Universe novels are the ones that echo this tone. Too much action, and you bore me. Not enough , and it’s not exciting. And if your characters don’t drive the story (rather than characters acting stupid to fit the plot), then I’m not interested at all.

What do you say?

Why Star Wars Needs Women – Now More Than Ever

The majority of my teen years sucked.  I was one of those kids who was a permanent outcast—I was geeky and nerdy, and for a teenage girl, that can be the kiss of death.  I had two friends in middle school, both of whom shared an enthusiasm for Star Wars.

But I wanted to be part of the cliques.  I wanted boys to notice me, not because I was weird, but because they noticed me.  Every time I was skipped over for an invitation to a party, left out of a social activity, or out and out ignored, I felt like I was being stabbed in the heart.  We take these things more seriously when we’re 13.

TPM had just come out.  My best friend and I soaked up every piece of information The Star Wars Insider had to offer.  And most importantly, for Christmas in 1999, my aunt bought me Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta’s Young Jedi Knights: Shards of Alderaan.

I immediately fell in love with the character of Tenel Ka.  She was strong, she chose who she wanted to be, and she got past being different to find acceptance.  I wanted to be Tenel Ka.

As I got older, I moved on to the adult novels, and I wanted to be Mara Jade.  She was even better than Tenel Ka, because Mara had emotions and wasn’t afraid to show them.  She was who she wanted to be, with no apologies.

It wasn’t until I got to college that I realized that there were other people like me, but by the time I got there, I’d finally come to grips with the idea that I could be whoever I wanted to be, thanks primarily to the characters of Tenel Ka and Mara Jade.

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Sports and Geek Fandom: The Bizarre Double Standard

Here at Tosche Station, we mean it when we say we’ll talk about anything and everything that has to do with geek culture.

I’m a sports fan. Gridiron football, soccer, basketball (though we’re not on speaking terms until the Sonics come back to Seattle). My first love, though, was baseball. I grew up watching the Seattle Mariners and listening to Dave Niehaus* weave together a daily narrative of America’s grand pass time. Even as my enjoyment of gridiron and basketball waned and my passion for soccer rose, baseball always stayed at the top of my list. But why? Why a game that’s admittedly slow-paced, is crammed full of breaks in the action, whose popularity always seems to be waning? A simple answer, really. Baseball lends itself beautifully to geek culture.

*And to give this a bit more of a science fiction feel, one of the greatest Niehaus calls ever occurred when outfielder Ichiro Suzuki threw a ball on a line from right field to third to gun down Terrance Long. In his words, “Ichiro threw something out of Star Wars.” 

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An Academic’s Defense of Fanfic

Hi!  No, I’m not Brian.  Or Nanci.  Or Shane.

My name’s Emily, and I’m Shane’s other half, among many other things.  Among those many other things, I’m a graduate student close to finishing my Ph.D. in English at a university which has a very open department that is well known for studying popular culture. I’m also a huge nerd, which one would have to be if one is to marry Shane.  I’m also a fan of fanfiction.

Let me preface this discussion with the following: I despise Twilight for many reasons, I’ve not really been keeping up too much with the E.L. James and Fifty Shades of Gray hullabaloo, as I’ve been studying for exams lately, but I’m still plugged in enough to hear about all of the incredible flak that’s been going around and aimed at the fanfiction community, primarily by the mainstream media.  I’m not going to get into the intellectual property issues here—I’m most assuredly not a lawyer.  I don’t even play one on TV.  What I want to talk about is the flak that’s attacking the fanfiction community as a group of deviants who are solely concerned with the erotic possibilities fanfiction offers.

But like so many other things, the mainstream media once again has it all wrong.  They’re only telling one side of the fanfiction story.  It’s time to shatter some of the preconceptions about fanfiction and start dealing in facts.  So, I present to you an academic’s defense of fanfiction in layman’s terms. Continue reading