Cosplay Monday: Star Wars Disney Princesses

Welcome back to another Cosplay Monday where we strive to brighten the start of your work week with some fantastic costumes.  You know that we love a good crossover and a mash up especially when they involve Star Wars and Disney.  Check out these fun costumes by Aleu Moana and Jennifer as Poca-han-solo and Rapunzel Skywalker!  I can’t say enough good things about them because they just look fantastic.  You can definitely see the inspirations from both characters and together, they make up a beautiful mash up.  Well done ladies!


Cosplay Monday: Wakanda

Welcome back to another edition of Cosplay Monday where we try to help your week get off to a great start with some awesome costumes.  This week, we’re featuring another costume group from Megacon this year and it comes to us via Albotas (and Tumblr).  Behold, the best group of Black Panther and Wakanda related characters that you will ever see.  Not only do they all look AMAZING but it’s a very unique group.  Personally, I wish I could’ve seen them in person.  Wow, folks.  My metaphorical hat is off to you.


Cosplay Monday: Michonne

Welcome back to another edition of Cosplay Monday where we try to brighten your morning with some excellent costumes!  We’ve got another awesome costume for you from Megacon this year that was found via Tumblr.  The only thing better than a great costume is when it’s a kid wearing a great costume.  Check out this awesome girl as Michonne from The Walking Dead.  To make things even better, it looks like she got her Dad to be one of Michonne’s trademarked armless walkers.  She just looks so badass.  Better not mess with her. 😉


Cosplay Monday: Spaceballs

It’s time for another edition of Cosplay Monday where we try and break up the monotony of your week with some great costumes.  This week, we’re spotlighting some costumers spotted by Brian and Nanci at Megacon this year.  It’s likely that they don’t need any introduction but check out these two Spaceballs from Mel Brooks’ film of the same name.  I guess the only other thing we should say is… “Hail Skroob!”


Cosplay Monday: Tiny Thor and Hawkeye

We’re back with another edition of Cosplay Monday where we try and help start your work week with some fabulous costumes!  Get your ‘awwww’s ready because Cosplay Monday has taken another detour into the realm of cute.  Check out this adorable tiny Thor and this adorable tiny Hawkeye that Brian and Nanci spotted at Megacon!  Honestly, is there anything cuter than cosplaying children?  Especially when they pose so seriously.  Epic win right here.

Hawkeye and Thor

Cosplay Monday: Admiral Daala

Welcome back to another edition of Cosplay Monday where we try to distract you from the start of another work week with some awesome costumes.  When you walk into a convention, you’re never entirely sure what costumes you’re going to see especially when you’re at a still new and small one.  So imagine my surprise when I looked up from a vendor’s table at Eastern Shore Fan Con the other weekend and spotted an Admiral Daala costume!  Seriously: how much do we adore seeing some Expanded Universe characters getting some costuming love?


Cosplay Monday: Cable

Welcome to another edition of Cosplay Monday where we try to distract you from the start of another work week with some awesome costumes!  This week, we’re spotlighting another cosplayer from Katsucon this year who put together a pretty awesome Cable costume.  Tough guy attitude, bionic arm, pouches galore, and a BFG?  Yup.  Definitely Cable!


Cosplay Monday: Annabeth Chase

We’re back with another Cosplay Monday where we try and distract you from the start of a dreary work week with some great costumes.  This week’s costume is another that I spotted at Katsucon last month.  While books are nothing short of wonderful, they do often make it more difficult to costume for since they aren’t a visual medium.  Therefore, you’re less likely to see your favorite book character wondering around a convention but when you do… well, you do something like I did at Katsucon and yell “ANNABETH CHASE!” and run after them.  So check out this awesome Annabeth Chase cosplayer from the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books!

Annabeth Chase

Cosplay Monday: Airbender Family

It’s time for another Cosplay Monday where we try to brighten the start of your work week with some awesome looking cosplay.  One of the best/worst things about a conventions is that there is so much amazing cosplay that you can’t possibly catch it all so you have to look at everyone’s pictures afterwards.  Today’s costume group is one that I saw across the way at Katsucon but couldn’t get away from what I was doing to take a picture.  Luckily, David Ngo snapped a great picture of this amazing Airbender Family group from Avatar: Legend of Korra.  The entire group is nothing short of perfect.  I don’t even need to say anything else.  Just look at their perfection.

Airbending Family DavidNgo