Cosplay Monday: Boromir

We’re back with another Cosplay Monday to try and take your mind off the dreary work week ahead.  This week, we’re featuring a Lord of the Rings costumer who went above and beyond the call of duty.  Check out this fantastic Boromir costume by Anduril9226 over on DeviantArt.  The attention to detail is amazing enough is that I could easily believed he smuggled this off the set.  This is a job seriously well done.

Boromir anduril9226

Cosplay Monday: Gamorrean Warrior

We’re back with another edition of Cosplay Monday: the weekly post where we try and awe you with an awesome costume and distract you from your case of the Mondays.  This week, we’re spotlighting an incredible looking Gamorrean costume spotted at Dragon*Con 2010 by photographer Insane-Pencil.  (If you know who the costumer is, please let us know and we’ll add in credit!)  Everything about this costume looks great and super impressive.  Well done!  (Who thinks this costumer should tackle a certain Wraith Squadron pilot next?)


Cosplay Monday: Toph Bei Fong

It’s time for another Costume Monday where we try to make easing back into the work week more bearable with some cool costumes.  We’re going back to a Tosche Station favorite this week and highlighting an amazing costume from Avatar: The Last Airbender.  Check out this great Toph Bei Fong costume by melonl0rd.  Not only does her costume look great but she definitely has the Toph attitude down pat.


Cosplay Monday: Mandalorian Warrior

We’re back with another edition of Cosplay Monday: the weekly post where we try and awe you with an awesome costume and distract you from your case of the Mondays.  This week, we’re highlighting a pretty cool costume by hydraness over on DeviantArt.  Check out her original Mandalorian character: Umi.  The armor looks pretty awesome and it’s always neat seeing someone create and costume as their very own character in the Star Wars universe.  Plus, anyone who’s willing to go outside and shoot in the snow for a photoshoot has my respect.  You can check out more pictures of the costume and more of hydraness’s work over at her DeviantArt page.

Umi hydraness

Cosplay Monday: Darth Traya

It’s Cosplay Monday again, aka the post we fill with a cool costume every week to try and make your Monday morning more bearable.

This week, we’re spotlighting an awesome costume from the Knights of the Old Republic video games.  Check out DarthCuddle‘s costume of Darth Traya, aka Kreia from Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords!    Not only is it a cool looking costume that you don’t see very often but she looks amazing!  I’m especially impressed by the work she put into the headdress.

Kreia2 Kreia1

Cosplay Monday: Gender Swapped Storm

Aaaaaand Cosplay Monday is back after a nice long break for the holidays.  This week, we’re featuring a super amazing gender swapped costume: Storm from Marvel’s X-men!  When pictures of this amazing costume by Larry popped up on tumblr the other week, I just knew it had to be shared with all of you.  He completely captures the essence of Storm’s character while simultaneously creating a fantastic costume.  On top of that, his poses for the photos are great and absolutely make me believe that he is indeed worshiped as a weather god in Kenya.  (Honestly.  Just try and tell me he doesn’t look cool as heck!)

You can check out more photos of the costume and from the shoot at NYCC over at the Felix Wong Photography Facebook Page.

Gender Swapped Storm

Cosplay Monday: Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee

Welcome back to Cosplay Monday!  We hope you’ve all recovered from the cuteness attacks the past few weeks.  Today, we’re diving back into the galaxy far far away .  Check out this stellar Master/Padawan team with hiron as Luminara Unduli and her friend as Barriss Offee.  Not only do they look amazing but both of their costumes clearly took a lot of work.  Awesome job!

Cosplay Monday: Doctor Doom

It’s time for another Cosplay Monday and we have to warn you: the following images might be disturbing… because they are JUST THAT CUTE!  (Yeah, we’ve fallen into a bit of a pattern here.)  But hey, when something this awesome appears on your tumblr dash, you just have to share it with everyone!

Enter the great and terrible Victor Von Doom!

Just try and tell me that’s not the cutest thing ever!  To top it off, his costume looks just as good if not even better than the costumes of some adult Doctor Dooms that I’ve seen around conventions.


Images from geekfest on Flickr

Cosplay Monday: The Wampug

No, I’m not Bria. I might have begged Bria to let me have today’s Cosplay Monday post, because this was just too good not to share. I might be a newbie at cosplaying (I just bought my first pair of cosplay boots over Thanksgiving), but I can certainly appreciate a good cosplay when I see it.

But why should we limit cosplaying to humans? After all, dogs can cosplay too!

Presented by YouTube user StarWarsChick01: The Dread Wampug!

Look at this! Perfect fur, perfect horns, and putting this costume on a pug was a great choice–after all, that squished wrinkly face looks a lot like a wampa, and anyone who’s ever heard a pug snore can certainly hear the resemblance between their pup and Hoth’s snow terror. Apparently, she’s also made a bantha costume for Chubbs the pug.

My first thought was “I wonder if I could get Bria could make one of those for Truffles.” Because really, my brother’s pug needs a wampa costume. Don’t you agree?

Cosplay Monday: Hogwarts Founders

For this week’s Cosplay Monday, we’re bringing you perfection in a photo.  No, not actually a character named perfection, just a perfect costume group!  Check out this AMAZING group of Hogwarts Founders: Rowena Ravenclaw, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin!  I love the unique spins they each put into their costumes while making obvious the character they are portraying.  And Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff all have their special artifacts!  Honestly, I can’t say enough things about how wonderful each and every one of them look.  Job well done!