Cosplay Week: Hallis Saper

We’re wrapping up Cosplay Week with another appropriate costume for Tosche Station.  Hopefully you’ve enjoyed seeing these fantastic costumes as much as we did and, as always, if you recognize any of these costumes, let us know so we can credit them!

One thing we don’t see enough of at conventions is Expanded Universe costumes outside side of a handful of big name characters.  While we always love seeing some great SWEU costumes, we especially love seeing characters who don’t get as much love.  Enter this fabulous Hallis cosplayer from Celebration VI.  We’ve never seen someone attempt this costume before and we’re pretty sure she nailed it.

Edit: You can find her website here!

Cosplay Week: Captain Marvel

We’re continuing with Cosplay Week here at Tosche Station and featuring some of the fabulous costumes we spotted at Celebration VI and Dragon*Con! Again, we don’t know who the cosplayers were for most of these so if you recognize the costumer, please let us know so we can give proper credit!

If you’re a regular reader of Tosche Station, it’s no secret that we’re big fans of Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel around here and we were definitely hoping to see some cosplayers with her new costume.  Dragon*Con costumers didn’t fail us and amongst the sea of Lokis and Hawkeyes, we found her!  Not only did her costume look great but she had some serious Carol attitude!  (Please notice the bonus defeated Deadpool we got for recognizing and loving her costume.)

Cosplay Week: Darth Talon and Cade Skywalker

We have more Star Wars costumes for today’s edition of Cosplay Week from Celebration VI!  Unlike yesterday, we actually don’t know who these costumers are and this particular picture was snagged from Jan Duursema’s Facebook so if you know who they are, shout out!

Edit: You can find Darth Talon’s Facebook page here and Cade’s here. Great costumes, guys!

Take a look at these two perfect Darth Talon and Cade Skywalker costumers who look like they could’ve stepped right off the pages from the Legacy comics.  The body pain on Talon is perfectly done and I’m incredibly impressed by the tattoos and the chest armor on Cade.

Cosplay Week: The Hapan Queens

Cosplay Week continues here at Tosche Station with not one, not two, but three costumes today!  Not only are we featuring one of the best Tenel Ka costumes but also a Teneniel Djo and a Ta’a Chume!  That’s right: the entire line of Hapan Queens live and in person!  Heather, one half of Zhobot, as Tenel Ka Djo, Jesse as Teneniel, and Jean as Ta’a Chume.

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Cosplay Week: Mary Poppins

And we’re back with Cosplay Week!  We saw so many awesome costumes at Celebration VI and Dragon*Con that we just had to share some of them with you as soon as possible!    Again, we don’t know who the cosplayers were for most of these so if you recognize the costumer, please let us know so we can give proper credit!

Today’s awesome cosplay by Lisa was spotted Friday night of Dragon*Con.  At first glance, she’s just Mary Poppins, right?  Which is amazing all on its own because who doesn’t love Mary Poppins?  But take another look.  The handle of her umbrella is a sonic screwdriver, her bag is a TARDIS, and she’s wearing a smaller version of the Fourth Doctor’s scarf!  If this isn’t a good argument for Mary Poppins being the Twelth Doctor, then we don’t know what is!

Cosplay Monday: Endor Leia

You know what we’re sick of almost as much as Catsuit!Mara? Metal Bikini!Leia. Yes, we get it. Leia wore a metal bikini on Tatooine and looked attractive in it. We get it. She did wear other things in the movies, you know. At least there’s one intrepid costumer out there that figures it’s time for something other than the bikini. Meet Kate Lomax Blankenship and her Endor Leia costume:

Well done, Kate! To see the rest of her costume pictures, head over to the Lady Lomax Cosplay Tumblr.

Cosplay Monday: You Can’t Escape Heimdall’s Watch

Welcome to another edition of Cosplay Monday where each week, we aim to highlight the efforts of costumers that go above and beyond the call of duty to celebrate fandom. This week, we’re featuring a brilliant Heimdall costume by SoloRoboto Industires.

Intricate helm? Check. Badass sword? Double-check. Incredibly detailed armor? Oh yeah. Friend-of-the-blog Bria sent this in, and we’re both in agreement. This costume is incredible. Be sure to check out more photos at the link above!

Cosplay Monday: The Zhobot Costumers

Welcome back to Cosplay Monday! Apologies for missing last week, in the chaos leading up to San Diego Comic Con I completely forgot to get a post set up. Let’s get right back into the flow. This week, we’re highlighting Nate and Heather’s numerous costumes!

Nate and Heather are the duo behind Zhobot. Head on over to their site and check out more of their costumes from Star Wars and numerous other fandoms.


Cosplay Monday: Korra Time

Welcome to a new weekly segment here on the blog, Cosplay Monday. Each week we’re going to be highlighting one costumer that has gone above and beyond in representing fandom. This week’s costume comes courtesy of Sheila and Sylar of Aicosu. They’re costuming as Korra and Tahno from The Legend of Korra.

Yeah. That’s what you would call “incredible.” Props, Sheila and Sylar! To see more of their great costumes, head to the link above.