Cosplay Monday: Jaina Solo

It’s time for another Cosplay Monday and this week we’re featuring an awesome Jaina Solo costume by Cavalyn!  Not only does her costume look great but she also makes a wonderful Jaina.  You can more pictures of Cavalyn’s costume on her tumblr including some awesome group shots with not only the other Solo children but also some really cool looking Legacy of the Force inspired shots.

Cosplay Monday: Korra Time

Welcome to a new weekly segment here on the blog, Cosplay Monday. Each week we’re going to be highlighting one costumer that has gone above and beyond in representing fandom. This week’s costume comes courtesy of Sheila and Sylar of Aicosu. They’re costuming as Korra and Tahno from The Legend of Korra.

Yeah. That’s what you would call “incredible.” Props, Sheila and Sylar! To see more of their great costumes, head to the link above.