Review: Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void

intothevoidInto the Void is unlike any Star Wars book you’ve ever read before and that’s not a bad thing.  In fact, it turns out to be a rather good thing.

Set over 25,000 years before the Skywalkers were playing leading roles on the galactic stage, Tim Lebbon adds to this new era in the Star Wars universe with the tale of Lanoree Brock, a Je’daii Ranger.  She has been summoned by the Je’daii Council to embark on a mission to stop one man from trying to open a hypergate and incidentally destroy the entire Tythan star system.  It is a mission of utmost importance.  As if the mission wasn’t pressure enough, the Council reveals that she has been chosen for the job because the man is believed to be Dalien Brock, her brother thought to be dead for years.

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