Holonet Blast #25

The news week began with a bummer as word dropped that Michael K. Williams would not be able to make reshoots for the (still untitled) Han Solo film and his character would have to be cut as a result. Wonder if they could have kept him in if the release slipped to December?

The Star Wars Show this week brought some ship goodness in the form of a new First Order walker and fearsome Star Destroyer.

Never to be left out, the Disney theme parks are also getting in on Force Friday II.

Speaking of Force Friday II, get in on some augmented reality fun with the Find the Force AR event.

Excited about the upcoming Phasma novel by Delilah Dawson? So are we. Whet your appetite with an exclusive excerpt featured on the official site.

As a note, we’ll be taking the week off next week in honor of Force Friday II and all of the Porgs you’ll be buying but we’ll be back the Monday after.

Rumor: Star Wars expansion to be largest in recent Disney parks history?

As always, thDisneyis is a rumor so use as many grains of salt as you need.

According to the Orlando Business Journal, Disney World will be getting a Star Wars expansion. It’s doubtful that anyone would be surprised if this happens. Why wouldn’t Disney use one of the most valuable intellectual properties in entertainment in their parks? What may be surprising is the scale Disney is considering for this expansion.

Guess what, Disney fans? That rumored Star Wars land/expansion at Disney’s Hollywood Studios will dwarf any other Disney-related expansion in its recent history.

At least that’s what a source with close connections to the park told me about all the growing chatter about a new Star Wars land project coming to Walt Disney World.

It’s expected that any type of Star Wars expansion could easily be north of $200 million in new investment at Mickey’s house, but the thought of something bigger is quite impressive.

Another interesting rumor is the expansion wouldn’t be contained to just Disney’s Hollywood Studios or any single park.

To find out just what that expansion might entail, I reached out to yet another source who seems to have a magical way of knowing things about Disney.

“My understanding is the Star Wars expansion will be similar to the Harry Potter expansion featuring new attractions, new creative merchandise and food and beverage options, as well as re-purposing older rides with the Star Wars theme,” said Chad Emerson, a Disney author and expert.

“There also have been conversations of re-themeing the Fantasmic! night show and introducing a new fireworks show with a Star Wars theme,” Emerson told me. The Fantasmic! show is on the opposite end of the theme park from its current Star Wars-themed area. He said that thought process by Disney shows the Mouse doesn’t see Star Wars as a ‘single area’ type of addition, but rather, as playing a larger role in the entire park.

“It’s not just an isolated land I hear they have in mind, and they are not just seeing this as a way to revitalizing a part of the park. Disney is seeing this Star Wars brand as something that will be sprinkled elsewhere throughout Hollywood Studios and elsewhere through out the resort,” he said.

Not so sure how keen I am about re-theming Fantasmic, which is perhaps Disney’s most iconic daily show at their parks. Expanding the presence of Star Wars to more than one area is interesting, though. Perhaps the Swiss Family Robinson Tarzan treehouse is going to be re-skinned to an Ewok theme.

Obviously here at Tosche Station, we’re keen on new Star Wars themed park developments. A few weeks ago we did a podcast on this very topic.

(Via Club Jade)