Top Tips for Fansites and Other News

While we continue to wait for confirmation one way or another on directorial news for Episode VII, something else was going on yesterday via Twitter: the first Star Wars Fansite Seminar, where Star Wars fansite creators, writers and readers came together to offer advice on running fansites. The official Star Wars blog put together a list of ten of the best tips here that you can check out. (Yes, I am totally and completely geeking out at the fact that one of them is from me. DUDES.)

Want to see more than just some of the tips? Fear not: Club Jade comes to the rescue with a Storify of the tweets made with the #SWFS hashtag yesterday here.

Club Jade has also reported that Drew Struzan has not been officially approached to do the poster artwork for Episode VII and that any chats to the contrary have simply been with friends at Disney and not with the company itself. Still, I think fans would love to see Struzan come out of retirement to work his magic once again.

Struzan Approached for Episode VII

It’s already going to be weird enough seeing Episode VII without the Fox Fanfare. I’m not sure if I could handle a new Star Wars film if it were missing something else iconic. Something like Drew Struzan poster artwork.

For those that don’t know, Struzan has been retired for a number of years, which makes getting new art from him for the sequel trilogy potentially problematic. Thankfully, there might be a bit of hope. From a joint interview with Sam Witwer, Drew said…

I got a couple calls already this week on Star Wars from Disney. Oh my god, I’m trying to be retired! You know, I spent 35 years painting Star Wars. [laughs] I painted Star Wars before most of you were born! But I guess there is always a chance. There’s no intention. But I would love to have a day off every now and again, and I have to work a weekend and all through the night. If the opportunity arises, it will be a real temptation.

Here’s to hoping Struzan returns for at least one more Star Wars film.
