Episode VII News Update

So, our Intrepid Leaders are on their honeymoon, which means the B-team is subbing in this week (we’re sorry).   Here’s what we’ve got:

J.J. posted another video for UNICEF’s Force for Change, and this time, he’s showing off an X-wing in the video.  Take a look at Mashable.com.  Personally, I’m thrilled at yet another look at practical effect props showing up here, and I’m looking forward to a comparison of this X-wing to those from the original trilogy.

Meanwhile, Badass Digest claims to have plot details for Episode VII.  I don’t think I need to note how very, very, very unconfirmed that is, but if you’re wanting to stay unspoiled, you might want to avoid, just in case.  (TOTALLY UNCONFIRMED, BY THE WAY.  And some of it doesn’t make ANY sense.  Like, at all.)

That’s the news for this morning.  Naturally, since The Intrepid Leaders are on a boat, Bria and I are expecting some sort of exciting news to drop at some point this week.  (You might remember that Brian and Nanci were on a cruise when Episode VII was announced.)  We will be exacting revenge for this later.

Tosche Station Radio #88: Han Solo’s From Corellia


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This week in Tosche Station Radio we go back to a favorite standby: canon, continuity, and worldbuilding.

Not a whole lot of new original content on the blog this week, but Bria did review Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows.

In Fixer’s Flash, it’s been a whole lot of TV and movies. A trip to the Kennedy Space Center occurred, and Nanci started reading The Serpent’s Head by Bryan Young.

Deak’s Dirt starts with Episode VII news. Crystal Clarke and Pip Anderson have been cast. They came from the open call and seem to be the roles of “Rachel” and “Thomas.” Bad Robot reports via Twitter that Episode VII will be filmed in IMAX and post-converted to 3D. In Rebels news, Lucasfilm has confirmed that David Oyelowo will be voicing Agent Kallus. Starwars.com also posted a video chronicling the genesis of the real life Chopper the droid. Rebels will be featured at SDCC, including Dave Filoni and the entire voice cast. There will also be collecting panels, a Hasbro panel, A New Dawn panel, among others.  Speaking of A New Dawn, Star Wars Books has posted the dust jacket. Mike Cooper transcribes the blurb. Finally, Amazon will be releasing 2014 Star Wars literature sampler on July 15. Will feature samples from the four upcoming releases, A New Dawn, Tarkin, Heir to the Jedi, and Lords of the SIth

This week in Bigg’s Bull$#!% kicks off with even more Episode VII release date speculation. Dunc from Club Jade has an insightful analysis on why pushing back the release date might be wise. Is Pip Anderson the new Ray Park? Who knows!

Camie’s Concerns dives into continuity and canon. What are the problems that come when you blindly wipe away world building? What should stay, what should go, and what are the consequences to changing the background?

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of Tosche-Station.net and a part of Majestic Giraffe Productions. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of Tosche-Station.net. You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.

This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and Audible.com.

Her Universe - Flaunt Your World - www.heruniverseshop.com Listen to a bestseller for $7.49 at audible.com!

Episode VII filming in IMAX, will be post-converted to 3D

First bit of news: As the above tweet from Bad Robot shows, Episode VII is filming with IMAX cameras as we speak.

Second bit of news: Episode VII will be released in theaters with a post-conversion 3D option.

It’s perhaps not too surprising that Disney and Lucasfilm want to have a 3D version of Episode VII in theaters, but it will no doubt disappoint many that this will be done in post. Films in 3D that aren’t shot natively with specialized stereoscopic cameras tend to be odd looking. Characters and objects in the foreground look oddly flat in front of the background.

Lucasfilm does have some internal experience with the post-conversion process, having re-released Episode I as a 3D film a few years ago to mixed reception. The film did look a fair amount better than most hastily thrown together conversions, but there were still a number of moments where the characters appeared jarringly flat. We’ll see how this conversion turns out.

Crystal Clarke and Pip Anderson cast for Episode VII

And from out of left field, another casting development for Episode VII. Announced on the official site, joining the fold are Pip Anderson and Crystal Clarke.

Having hunted high and low for young and undiscovered talent, the filmmakers are delighted to announce that two actors from the open call call have been cast.

Crystal Clarke is an American actress studying in Glasgow, UK, who has both stage and screen acting experience and is soon to be seen in her first feature, The Moon and the Sun (to be released in 2015). British actor Pip Andersen is a skilled practitioner of parkour, a discipline that involves propelling oneself through any given environment with incredible grace and agility. Pip recently demonstrated this remarkable skill in a Spider-Man ad for Sony.

“The Star Wars universe has always been about discovering and nurturing young talent and in casting Episode VII we wanted to remain absolutely faithful to this tradition. We are delighted that so many travelled to see us at the open casting calls and that we have been able to make Crystal and Pip a part of the film,” said producer and Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy.

Clarke and Anderson were pulled from the extensive multi-city and online talent search that contained over 37,000 attendees and 30,000 online applicants.

While there’s no indication on what the extent of the roles are, it is good to see the production crew going out of their way to cast another woman of color to appear in the film. While there is still room for improvement, slowly but surely the diversity ratio is improving in the Galaxy Far, Far Away.

Tosche Station Radio #86: We’re baaaack… Again


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It’s Star Wars Weekends and big Episode VII casting news on this episode of Tosche Station Radio!

Kicking off the show, the hosts highlight what’s New on the Blog. Listener Frank Rich sent in a video of the Star Wars panel from AwesomeCon, moderated by our very own Bria. Our good friend Nut provided a tutorial on how to make your own interactive Artoo Mickey ears. Bria reviewed Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir #1, The Star Wars #8, Legacy #15, Rebel Heist #2. Finally, Emily reviewed Serenity #5.

Fixer’s Flash is full of Star Wars Weekends sights and sounds from weekends 1-3 and a look ahead to Mark Hamill’s appearance during the fourth weekend. What else have the hosts been up to? Well, there may have been a wedding. But not a red one.

In Biggs’ Bull#*$&, John Boyega and Daisy Ridley have been on the set of Episode VII. If you’re not watching Boyega’s Instagram videos, you are missing out. Peter Mayhew has reportedly arrived in London. Meanwhile, Mark Hamill should be arriving soon after his Star Wars Weekends appearance.

Camie’s Concerns is being replaced this week for an extra-long installment of Deak’s Dirt. We kick things off with a boatload of new products at Star Wars Weekends. They’re now available to order on the Her Universe website. Nanci bought the vintage print dress, the Rebel skirt, the Rebel top, and the Artoo hair clip. Simon Kinberg says the first season of Rebels will consist of 16 episodes, and apparently Lando is in one of them. There are rumors that Obi-Wan will appear, thanks to toy spoilers. Enter to win a chance to appear in Episode VII, see the first alien chicken vendor in the GFFA. Gareth Edwards to direct and Gary Whitta to write the first Star Wars standalone film. And here’s the big one: Lupita Nyong’o and Gwendoline Christie are set to join the Episode VII cast.

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of Tosche-Station.net and a part of Majestic Giraffe Productions. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store and Stitcher. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of Tosche-Station.net. You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.

This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and Audible.com.

Her Universe - Flaunt Your World - www.heruniverseshop.com Listen to a bestseller for $7.49 at audible.com!

Episode VII Ups the Diversity: Christie and Nyong’o Join Cast


Now this is how you address concerns about diversity.

Lucasfilm announced just moments ago on the official site that Game of Thrones’ Gwendoline Christie and Academy Award winner Lupita Nyong’o will be joining the cast of Episode VII.

Lupita Nyong’o joins the recently announced cast of Star Wars: Episode VII. This year, her breakthrough performance in 12 Years a Slave earned her an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.

Gwendoline Christie, currently starring in the hit television series Game of Thrones as Brienne of Tarth, has also been cast in the production. She can next be seen in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2.

“I could not be more excited about Lupita and Gwendoline joining the cast of Episode VII,” says Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy. “It’s thrilling to see this extraordinarily talented ensemble taking shape.”

Yes, be excited. Be very excited. This is fantastic news.

J.J. Abrams says hello from Abu Dabi and you can win a chance to appear in Episode VII

First off, it’s official: Episode VII is filming in Abu Dabi. See for yourself in the video above. Second, you can win a chance to appear in Episode VII by supporting UNICEF through the new Force for Change program.

Star Wars: Force for Change is a brand new charitable initiative from Disney and Lucasfilm in collaboration with Bad Robot dedicated to finding creative solutions to some of the world’s biggest problems. The first Star Wars: Force for Change campaign will raise funds and awareness for UNICEF’s Innovation Labs and its innovative projects benefiting children in need.

For your chance to appear in Episode VII and visit the London studios, click the link above and enter the contest.

Tosche Station Radio #85: It’s Really Happening


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On this episode of Tosche Station Radio, the hosts are joined by Bria to break down the big Episode VII cast announcement.

Kicking off the show, the hosts highlight what’s New on the Blog. Bria posted her Awesome Con roundup and reviewed Legacy #14 and Rebel Heist #1. Emily reviewed Serenity #4. Brian assured people it’s okay to feel conflicted about the casting announcement. Nanci made an observation about women who speak in Star Wars. And it’s not pretty. Emily explained why she’ll never stop talking about feminism. Brian gave Four Points of Clarifications regarding our complaints

In Fixer’s Flash, the hosts kept themselves busy with geeky wedding prep and purchasing lots and lots of comics. Bria was busy with convention costuming and panels.

Deak’s Dirt starts with a bit of literature. Del Rey celebrated May 4 with a mini-excerpt from A New Dawn . Also over on Twitter, Del Rey clarified the film novelizations’ place in canon. A Hera clip and theme song were revealed at Wonder Con. Meanwhile, a full Rebels trailer dropped on May 4. Finally, the Star Wars Episode VII cast was finally announced.

Over in Biggs’ Bull$*#&, casting speculations and theories were rampant.More casting to come, including a major female role. Club Jade’s cast analysis broke down who may be playing what. Meanwhile, who is the Inquisitor? Max von Sydow?

The hosts and Bria take a look at the primary Episode VII cast this week on Camie’s Concerns. While they’re apprehensive about the lack of women and minorities in this announcement, they’re excited over the potential roles Daisy Ridley and John Boyega could be playing. What else are they excited for? Tune in to find out.

Wrapping up the show, the hosts field a matrimony related question in Ask us Anything.

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of Tosche-Station.net and a part of Majestic Giraffe Productions. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store and Stitcher. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of Tosche-Station.net. You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.

This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and Audible.com.

Her Universe - Flaunt Your World - www.heruniverseshop.com Listen to a bestseller for $7.49 at audible.com!

Four Points of Clarification

It’s been a few days since the cast announcement has been out there and since our responses have circulated through the interwebs. In that time, it’s become somewhat obvious that there’s some clarification I need to make because there’s a lot of motives being given to us and accusations that we’re taking positions that we’re not actually taking. So here goes.

First: At no point have we taken issue with the quality of the roles for minority and female characters in this film. The issue, the ONLY issue, we and just about everyone else who has spoken on this subject have taken to task is the quantity of minority and female characters. The breakdowns aren’t okay. At best (assuming that additional casting rumor of a female actor of color is true and hasn’t been written out), the breakdown for the main cast looks like this:

  • 2/8 of the new cast are female
  • 3/8 of the new cast are non-white
  • 3/14 of the entire main cast are female
  • 3/14 of the entire main cast are non-white

Those ratios aren’t good, and that’s what we and others have been talking about. We haven’t taken issue with the quality of the roles or the story; we’ve taken issue only with the ratios. It’s pretty disingenuous to accuse us of casting wholesale judgment on a story we haven’t seen yet when that’s not the argument we’re making. Did some good things happen with this cast? Yes, we’re not denying that. What we’re saying is that after 37 years, there should be more progress by now.

Second: We’d be thrilled if Ridley and Boyega were THE central stars of the films. We’ve applauded Lucasfilm for casting them (that praise seems to go unnoticed for some reason). However, prominent roles for one of the few ethnic actors in the main cast and one of the few women in the main cast doesn’t fix the disparity mentioned above. It doesn’t make up for it, either. I’d encourage you not to tell those asking for better representation numbers that they should “be happy with what you get.” Quality matters, yes, but so does quantity. That’s a key to remember: this criticism will be there until the representation numbers hit parity.

We can be happy and thrilled that actors like Ridley and Boyega get main roles (and I do hope this is true, but it’s not a certainty yet) while simultaneously we can be disappointed and critical at the disparity of women and minorities in the cast.

Third: We also acknowledge that the ratio can be patched up somewhat with the secondary characters. That said, if the disparity is fixed in that manner, it’s kind of a hollow victory. If there are more women and minorities as background and secondary characters with a handful of lines we will be excited and happy to see them. That said, their presence would be limited to that of non-main cast roles. It’s something to be certain, but it still leaves a whole lot to be desired.

Once again, we can (and will) be happy about this development if it happens, but we’ll point out that there’s still room for improvement. We’re consistent like that.

Fourth: At no point have we or the vast majority of people who have taken to the blogosphere to discuss this filled with angry bloodlust. Here at Tosche Station, we’ve been remarkably even keeled in our writing. So has Amy Ratcliffe. So has Dunc. So has Bonnie Burton. So has Bryan Young. It’s not fair and it’s rather disingenuous to characterize what we and others have written as being full of anger and promoting hate within fandom. If anything has gotten myself and others frustrated over the last few days, it’s much less the casting announcement and much more the words that are being put in our mouths and motives being given to us.

So let’s make this very clear.

  • The issue we’re taking up is that the ratio of women to men and minorities to non-ethnic actors needs improvement.
  • We’ll be thrilled if Boyega and Ridley have key roles, but that doesn’t address the disparity in the main cast nor does it make up for it.
  • We’ll be happy if more women and minorities are added as secondary characters, but concede that’s somewhat of a hollow victory.
  • We’re not filled with angry bloodlust and we’re not trying to promote hate in fandom. We’re trying to bring attention to disparity in representation.
  • Finally, contrary to popular belief, we are excited about new Star Wars.

Are we on the same page now?