A Not So Festive FandomFest

Last week, a friend of mine attended FandomFest in Louisville, Kentucky. After hearing horror stories from her, and many other people who attended the con on sites like Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook, I decided she needed to describe her experiences in her own words. This is not what cons are supposed to be like–yes, lines are a fact of life at cons, but not to this extreme. This experience has soured her on conventions in general, and I’m looking forward to attending Dragon Con with her and showing her not all large cons are like this. Hopefully FandomFest will shape up and next year’s con can be enjoyable for everyone.

Anyway, I’ll step aside and let her do the rest of the talking. 

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FandomFest Recap

Me with Tim Zahn and my awesome Tosche-Station.net shirt.

So, this happened.

FandomFest Louisville was a blast. My besties and I arrived for events Saturday and had a great time. Tickets were really reasonable–$25 for the day, though if you wanted autographs from some of the guests, they were $30 apiece. Among the geekdom celebrities available for (paid) autographs there were John Rhys-Davies, Sean Astin, James Marsters, Nick Brendon, Peter Davison, Gareth David-Lloyd, and Luke Perry. (These were all the ones I saw.) Other celebrities included cast members from the Walking Dead and Boondock Saints, Colin Ferguson from Eureka, and of course, the headliner, Bruce Campbell. He was only going to be available for two hours Saturday evening, due to conflicts with his shooting schedule for Burn Notice, and tickets went amazingly fast.

Read more about FandomFest after the jump.
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Cosplay Monday: I ain’t afraid of no ghosts!

Louisville GhostbustersEvery week, we feature some awesome cosplayers on the blog, and when you run into these guys at FandomFest, then there’s really no question about who our next featured costumers are going to be! Complete with some of the most realistic proton packs I’ve ever seen on a Ghostbusters cosplayer, ghost traps and even a plushie Slimer, these guys were great.

Meet the Louisville Ghostbusters! This group of really fun guys had a booth set up at FandomFest, handing out business cards that said “We are ready to believe you!” While the guys no longer have their own website, you can check out this YouTube video of them checking out Waverly Hills Sanitorium. Check out their Facebook page for much better pictures than the one I took with my phone, including this one of the guys posing with Ecto 1 (Click the picture for a better view).

Louisville Ghostbusters with Ecto 1

In the meantime, if you’re heading to GenCon in Indianapolis next month, you can meet the guys, check out their proton packs and ghost traps, and get some tips on how to create your own Ghostbusters costume.

Stay tuned for for my FandomFest recap later today!