Holonet Blast #18

Hello again, friends! By the time you are reading this I will be playing a new video game. This has nothing to do with anything, I’m just really excited to start Zero Horizon Dawn. Ready to feel emotions now? On to the news!

This week we had a few confirmations regarding Operation: Blue Milk stories. On Wednesday, author Cavan Scott announced in his newsletter that his story in A Certain Point of View is from the point of view of Obi-Wan Kenobi. More specifically, it is called “Time of Death” and focus on Obi-Wan’s….time of death. “You know how they say your life flashes in front of your eyes when you die? Well, now imagine what would be like for a Jedi.” Yikes, my emotions.

It was also confirmed that Nnedi Okorafor’s story is about the Dianoga (why is this story not in my eyeballs right this moment, it will be so fantastic, Okorafor writing the Dianoga is everything I’ve ever needed in life) and Meg Cabot’s story will focus on Aunt Beru and oh, look, my emotions hurt again.

Speaking of emotions hurting, Dave Filoni. Oh, Dave Filoni. On Thursday he tweeted a piece of art and a snippet of dialogue of Ahsoka meeting the Bendu before the season 2 finale of Rebels. In the words of Darth Bria the Wise regarding this, “Not news news: Dave Filoni hates your emotions.”

And finally, in some clarification news, the Forces of Destiny episodes (which finished premiering this morning) will be a TV special in the fall. Lucasfilm’s Tracy Cannobbio also clarified earlier that the episodes will be airing on the Disney Channel two at a time starting yesterday through July 30th. So if you want to see them on TV, watch the Disney Channel during prime time on Sunday night.