Girls’ Guide to Star Wars: What You Need to Know If You Know Nothing


As your boyfriend—or brother or father or uncle—probably told you, Return of the Jedi is hitting theatres this Friday. And you, dutiful girlfriend—and sister and daughter and niece—are attending. But you hate sci-fi movies and practically fell asleep during the previous two Star Wars films. (How have they possibly made a third? It’s so boring! You don’t care that Star Wars is the biggest grossing film of all time. You liked Annie Hall so much better.

But don’t fret, ladies. This is the last of the Star Wars films, so after this, you can stop pretending to care about this effects-laden piece of “cinema.” But to get you through Return of the Jedi without having to ask a ton of questions (just in case you’ve managed to stay awake the entire time), we’ve created a streamlined girl’s guide to the galaxy far, far away. (That’s nerd speak for the Star Wars galaxy.)

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