Lucas not Cashing out Disney Stock

And here’s the return to the aforementioned fandom inanity.

Last week, George Lucas registered for the ability to cash out his Disney stock in order to build Scrooge McDuck’s Moneybin. Or use it for philanthropic efforts, one of the two. The Bearded Trio tracked down a Lucas representative to see if he was planning to cash out.

George Lucas has no intention of letting go of his Disney stock he acquired as part of the deal selling Lucasfilm to Disney. Now this is a clever move as the stock can only go up with another Avengers, Pirates Of The Caribbean and more Star Wars movies in the works. Disney’s shares are likely to rise quite dramatically. Good move!

Who needs stock in Lucasfilm when you can have stock in Disney and their various money-printing licenses? Probably a wise call by Lucas. Disney as a company seems to be heading nowhere but Up* these days so hanging onto that stock for a while seems like a sound move.

*Up! Get it? I’m sorry. 

There’s not a whole lot here to get excited about, mostly I just wanted to link to this story because of a fabulous photo of George Lucas The Bearded Trio dug up.

Lucas without beard 1987

Is that not incredibly unsettling?

The Bearded Trio via Club Jade

Lucas Clarifies (Or Muddies) Consultant Role

Since the news of the Lucasfilm sale and new Star Wars films broke a month ago, fans have speculated just how much George Lucas would be involved. Despite selling off the company and story treatments, I’d gotten the impression that the fandom seems to think Lucas will remain heavily involved in the development of the new films. What does the man himself have to say about all this? Access Hollywood asked:

“[If the filmmakers ask],‘Who’s this guy?’ I can tell them,” he told Access at the event in Los Angeles. “I mean, they have a hundred encyclopedias and things, but I actually know a lot. I can say, ‘This is this and this is that.’”

But answering questions about the more remote characters of his beloved galaxy may be where George’s involvement ends.

“Basically I’m not — I don’t really have much to do,” he said.

Of course, the risk in reading too much into this particular quote is the same risk you have when reading into any quote from George Lucas. The man is notoriously snarky and sarcastic. Take him at his word and he apparently isn’t all that involved with Episode VII. If you read that as snark, who knows?

It’s going to be a long three years, folks.


George Lucas To Put Lucasfilm Sale Bounty into Education

If you hadn’t heard, George Lucas made a little bit of money this week by selling something he’s owned for a while. Just what will he be doing with that $4.05 billion suddenly flooding his bank account? Funnel the bulk of it straight into education.

By the end of the year, the $4.05 billion sale of Lucasfilm to Disney should be finalized. And since George Lucas owns 100 percent of his company – which has little to no debt – all that money goes to him.

After that, Lucas plans to quickly put the bulk of the money into a foundation which will primarily focus on educational issues, a spokesperson for Lucasfilm tells THR.

“George Lucas has expressed his intention, in the event the deal closes, to donate the majority of the proceeds to his philanthropic endeavors.”

It’s worth noting that George Lucas was one of the first individuals to sign The Giving Pledge, which promises to give away at least half his wealth.

Disney Acquires Lucasfilm

Bob Iger has just announced that The Walt Disney Company will be acquiring Lucasfilm (including its operating businesses such as Industrial Light and Magic and Skywalker Sound) for $4.05 billion.

What does this mean for the Star Wars universe?  We really don’t know yet.  According to the official press release, Kathleen Kennedy will be staying on and become the President of Lucasfilm and George Lucas will be a creative consultant.

There is, however, this:

Star Wars Episode 7 is targeted for release in 2015, with more feature films expected to continue the Star Wars saga and grow the franchise well into the future.

The Disney blog says that after Episode 7, we can expect to see new Star Wars films every two to three years.

Obviously all of the details aren’t out there yet but we will bring them to you as soon as we learn something new.

Celebration VI Coverage: Joel Aron and Dave Filoni Q&A and SUDDENLY GEORGE LUCAS

We’re kicking off the third day of Celebration VI with the anticipated Joel Aron and Dave FiloniClone Wars Q&A. Lots of new clips and details about Season Five were revealed, some of which might be considered spoiler-y. Also, there was a surprise guest. To the cut!

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Kathleen Kennedy Joins Lucasfilm as Co-Chair

All those stories about George Lucas retiring really are true.

Producer Kathleen Kennedy, a long-time partner of Steven Speilberg’s, will become co-chair of Lucasfilm. For now, Lucas will be staying on as co-chair and CEO of the company, but there’s no telling when he might step down completely.

I doubt we’ll ever have a Lucasfilm without any involvement from George, but it’s nice to see him taking the steps to some relaxing retirement years. If anyone deserves it (and can afford it!), we know it’s George.