Review: Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good

Thrawn and Zahn are back! Again! Out today, Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good by Timothy Zahn continues to delve into both the Chiss society and Thrawn himself prior to his eventual Imperial service. We’re firmly in uncharted territory now which means there are surprises a plenty between these two covers for both old school Thrawn fans and new ones. But just what sort of trouble has Thrawn and his complete and utter lack of political awareness gotten into this time?

Now a Senior Captain in the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet, Thrawn is doing relatively well for himself especially since he’s fresh off a collaborative victory. The Springhawk heads to the Rapacc system only to find themselves drawn into a refugee situation that’s far more complicated than it seems at first glance. Meanwhile, an Agbui named Haplif has convinced a naïve young Chiss on his gap year to help his group get use of a small stretch of land… and his reasons for doing so don’t seem entirely above board.   Continue reading