Holonet Blast #53

It’s a Han Solo kind of week in the weekly Holonet Blast!

But first, some ship news! Here at Tosche Station, we’re known as being very anti-Y-wing. They’re ugly, clunky, and slow. The only thing worse are TIE Defenders. (Don’t @ me.) BUT, we also like LEGO, so we have a conundrum here. On May 4, LEGO is releasing the UCS Y-wing. Red Leader, this is Gold Leader!

In book AND Solo: A Star Wars Story news, Starwars.com released a second excerpt for LAST SHOT by Daniel Jose Older. This excerpt features Han, Chewie, and Sana Starros on the run from bounty hunters at Maz Kanata’s castle. I’m all about comic characters getting love in the novels, especially badass capable ladies, so count me in. The novel will be released on April 17 and also feature Lando and L3-37.

Remember back when Star Wars movies were released in May and premiered at Cannes Film Festival? Well, SOLO is returning to that trend! The special screening will take place on May 15, 10 days before the official release date of May 25, so adjust your spoiler shields to your preferences.

In the really big news, the first full-length trailer for SOLO premiered yesterday during American Idol (and was promptly uploaded to YouTube). My verdict? It looks fun, Lando is perfect, and give me more L3-37!

And finally, RIGHT AFTER I hit publish on the article, the official site revealed the new products coming for Solo: A Star Wars Story, including the obligatory action figures, Funkos, and LEGO. Products will hit stores starting this Friday, April 13.

Holonet Blast #26

Ever so foolishly, we took last week off because it was Labor Day weekend and it was Force Friday II and what could possibly happen while we were all supposed to be busy reading our new books and playing with our new toys? Oh what sweet summer children we were… Things happened. Oh dear did things happen.

Colin Trevorrow is no longer directing Episode IX and honestly, not many people are wiping away tears of sorrow. Moral of the story: do not mess with Kathleen Kennedy.

Disney’s being the worst and putting their Marvel and Star Wars films on their exclusive streaming service which is fine and whatever because that’s why I own DVDs.

Paul Bettany is apparently in the Han Solo film though according to Ron Howard’s Twitter. I don’t have anything snarky here.

In ‘things you can get’ news, there will be a very pretty convention exclusive edition of From A Certain Point of View available at NYCC that will come presigned by some of the authors. The soundtrack for The Last Jedi will be out on December 15th and there will probably be a track titled “Luke’s Noble End” on it. (Sorry, Nanci. I’ll start running now.)

To round out the week on a high note, go watch the new Star Wars Rebels Season 4 trailer again and sob over the Space Married perfection with us. The new season kicks off on October 16th.

Holonet Blast #25

The news week began with a bummer as word dropped that Michael K. Williams would not be able to make reshoots for the (still untitled) Han Solo film and his character would have to be cut as a result. Wonder if they could have kept him in if the release slipped to December?

The Star Wars Show this week brought some ship goodness in the form of a new First Order walker and fearsome Star Destroyer.

Never to be left out, the Disney theme parks are also getting in on Force Friday II.

Speaking of Force Friday II, get in on some augmented reality fun with the Find the Force AR event.

Excited about the upcoming Phasma novel by Delilah Dawson? So are we. Whet your appetite with an exclusive excerpt featured on the official site.

As a note, we’ll be taking the week off next week in honor of Force Friday II and all of the Porgs you’ll be buying but we’ll be back the Monday after.

Holonet Blast #21

This week in Star Wars news, we have items relating to the Han Solo film. the From a Certain Point of View anthology, and Marvel comics. Also a news item very fitted for my interest!

Kieron Gillan will take over writing duties for the Star Wars comic starting with Issue 38. Art will continue to be by Salvador Larocca. The two were the creative team behind the first Darth Vader comic series. Gillan also writes the Doctor Aphra series.

Wednesday, the Star Wars show announced that John Powell, composer of How to Train Your Dragon and the Bourne series, would be writing the music for the still-untitled Han Solo film.

Del Rey posted the final cover and author list for Operation Blue Milk, aka the From a Certain Point of View short story anthology.

Finally, Mark Hamill was honored by the City of San Diego with Mark Hamill day and a dedicated street in his honor. Hamill lived in the San Diego neighborhood of Clairemont during middle school and his freshman year of college. Personally, I think every day should be Mark Hamill Day!

Holonet Blast #16

It’s time for the weekly Holonet Blast! And, uh, I guess some stuff happened this week.

First, on Tuesday, it was announced that Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are no longer directing the untitled Han Solo film. Cue the Star Wars fandom giving a collective, “Huh?!” Especially since they’ve been attached to the project for so long, and there was only three weeks left of filming.

Of course, fandom immediately began speculating about the reason for the change. The official statements were rather vague, and cited creative differences.

Kathleen Kennedy said: “Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are talented filmmakers who have assembled an incredible cast and crew, but it’s become clear that we had different creative visions on this film, and we’ve decided to part ways. A new director will be announced soon.”

Lord and Miller said: “Unfortunately, our vision and process weren’t aligned with our partners on this project. We normally aren’t fans of the phrase ‘creative differences’ but for once this cliché is true. We are really proud of the amazing and world-class work of our cast and crew.”

The next item of speculation was, who takes on directing now? Several names were suggested, including Lawrence Kasdan (which would not have been possible due to Director’s Guild rules), Joe Johnston, and Ron Howard. Then, on Thursday, the official announcement came that Howard will assume directorial duties on the project.

Kathleen Kennedy said: “At Lucasfilm, we believe the highest goal of each film is to delight, carrying forward the spirit of the saga that George Lucas began forty years ago. With that in mind, we’re thrilled to announce that Ron Howard will step in to direct the untitled Han Solo film. We have a wonderful script, an incredible cast and crew, and the absolute commitment to make a great movie. Filming will resume the 10th of July.”

Howard is an accomplished actor and director, known for George Lucas’ American Graffiti, Apollo 13, and he won the Academy Award for A Beautiful Mind. And, as the internet reminded everyone this week, he was the narrator on Arrested Development.

Stay tuned for this week’s episode of Tosche Station Radio where Nanci and Brian will provide our very mild takes regarding this news.

In other news, USA Today released an excerpt for Inferno Squad. Poor Iden Versio has bad luck when it comes to watching Death Stars explode.

Rogue One will be coming to Netflix next month, so if you haven’t picked up a Blu Ray or digital copy, now’s your chance to relive the heartbreaking death scenes of the entire main cast!

Finally, have you been waiting for news regarding Star Wars Land at Disney parks? Good news: we’ll probably getting some info at D23, as an entire pavilion will be dedicated to the new lands. There will also be a panel about Walt Disney Parks and Resorts. D23 will take place at the Anaheim Convention Center on July 14-July 16.

Holonet Blast #6

News! Since the last time the Holonet checked in, some exciting things have happened in the Galaxy Far, Far Away. Here’s a rundown:

Adjust your spell-checkers accordingly, Mitth’raw’nuruodo is back in canon!

In a stunning, yet not-altogether-surprising reveal, last week we learned via exclusive excerpt that Grand Admiral Thrawn’s full name is officially part of the current canon. For those of you who need all the Thrawn you can get, the excerpt is here and don’t forget to tune into to Tosche Station’s Thrawncast for an in-depth (and occasionally ridiculous) look at the Grand Admiral’s advent in Legends.

Talking about Yoda, he is not…

…but the legendary puppeteer and the human behind our favorite little green man from outer space is one of the featured subjects of the documentary film “Muppet Guys Talking: Secrets Behind the Show the Whole World Watched” which premiered this week at the SXSW film festival. Although the documentary focuses on the Muppet Show exclusively, the insights in to the life of a puppeteer and into Frank Oz himself are second-to-none. Keep an eye out for the film when it comes to theatres or streaming. Continue reading