Review: Into the Dark

The High Republic continues and this time, it’s Claudia Gray at the wheel—err… keyboard. With Into the Dark, out today, Gray introduces us to a new Good Soft Boy to love in the form of one Reath Silas and all was well in the galaxy and this was a very good book, thank you and good night! …oh wait. Did you need to know more about this book other than it has a Good Soft Boy in it? Well if you insist…

Padawan Reath Silas would be perfectly content to spend his time in the Jedi Archives but no. His Jedi Master just had to agree to a post at the Starlight Beacon which means he is headed there too. Reluctantly, Reath boards a transport along with several other Jedi only to find himself caught in the middle of the hyperspace disaster. Their (and the other nearby ships’) only hope is an abandoned space station. But there is a darkness lurking in those halls and their problems are about to multiply… and not just because of the plants. Continue reading