Lucas upbeat on Abrams-led Star Wars

LucasThe Maker no longer has the reigns to Star Wars. But what does he think of the man now directing the franchise? According to Access Hollywood, Lucas seems upbeat on Abrams:

“Yeah, [I’m excited]. J.J.’s a great director and we’re friends,” George told Access Hollywood at the 2013 Crystal + Lucy Awards, when asked if he’s looking forward to J.J.’s films. “I think he understands the whole thing and how it works.

“And if he doesn’t, [Lucasfilms president] Kathy [Kennedy] will keep it straight,” he added with a laugh.

He was also asked what his involvement with Star Wars will be moving forward. In his words,“If they need help or anything, they’ll give me a call… Otherwise, I’m off on my own.”

Review: Star Trek Into Darkness (SPOILER ALERT)

star-trek-2-into-darkness-poster Other people have been looking forward to Iron Man 3, Man of Steel, Pacific Rim, or any of a number of other blockbusters coming out the summer.

But today is shiny and perfect because today, ladies and gentlemen, is Star Trek day, and if I have one thing to say to you all it is this:

Go see this movie. RIGHT NOW. I know, a lot of the reviews have been bad, but really, I don’t know if these people were watching the same film I watched this afternoon.


Ready for a wild ride? Continue reading

J.J. Abrams discusses Wars and Treks with Jon Stewart

And part 2 here:

The interview covers a whole lot of ground, including the obligatory Trek versus Wars discussion and how it’s still really, really, really early in Episode VII’s production. So don’t expect any details about the film yet.

Via Club Jade

Abrams expects Williams to score Episode VII

The folks over at CinemaBlend tracked down a Star Trek Into Darkness press conference video where director J.J. Abrams was (naturally) asked a question about the other Star franchise he’s working on. Specifically, whether or not John Williams would be back to score Episode VII. Skip to 8:14 to get right to the question.

The relevant quote:  “For Star Wars it’s very early days … but I believe that … John Williams will be doing that film, because apparently he was there long before I was.”

Remember, though. This isn’t official confirmation and it won’t be until you hear it from Disney or Lucasfilm.


Rumors: Episode VII focusing on Solo spawn, Disney wants Three Zahn Books

grain of salt

A grain of sodium chloride as seen through a microscope

And it’s time for the rumor mill to sputter to life one more time.

An insider with Nerdvana claims that the Sequel Trilogy will be focusing on a Solo child and grandchild, adding to other rumors and reports that the new films would place a premium on a younger generation of heroes rather than putting Han, Luke, and Leia back in the saddle.

The insider supposedly also had information covering the extent of J.J. Abrams involvement with Lucasfilm and Disney:

JJ’s contract has a clause for all three movies and an additional three of Lucas/Disney choosing if everyone melds well on the first one. This is typical of these types of contracts; gives everyone an out if needed.

So perhaps he’ll be around for more than just Episode VII. Stay tuned? On a final note, there was also a note about Timothy Zahn. If this insider is to be believed, Disney and Lucasfilm are keen on getting Zahn to pen three additional novels. Would these be film novelizations? I wouldn’t think so, but you never know.

Via Club Jade

Tosche Station Radio #43: Heist


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The hosts are joined by Bria and Emily this week  to discuss the latest Episode VII news and have a spoiler-filled discussion of Timothy Zahn’s Scoundrels!

Kicking off the show, Nanci highlights what’s new on the blog. Emily talked about why J.J. Abrams will be good for Star Wars. Meanwhile, Bria continued on with the Waru Express with two post-Endor books.

In Fixer’s Flash, Nanci has kept herself busy by reading through I’ve Got Your Number and starting Old Man’s War by John Scalzi. Brian FINALLY finished reading Scoundrels and found the time to read through the latest issues ofAvengers Assemble, Captain Marvel, and Hawkeye. Bria, meanwhile, has been reading all of the Mageworlds novels and working on costuming for Katsucon. Somehow she’s also found time to do work for her geek fashion blog White Hot Room. Emily has also joined the Mageworlds circle and read through the first three books. She also found the time to read Batgirl #16.

Fandom appeared to explode and this week’s Deak’s Dirt attempts to make sense of it. Her Universe released a new set of quote tees just in time for Valentine’s Day. Book of the Sith by Dan Wallace is getting the trade paperback treatment on May 4th.The surprise Star Wars novel? Darth Maul: Lockdown by Joe Schreiber. Over on the film side, the 3D treatments for the remaining Prequel Trilogy have been indefinitely postponed. The big news, however, is that Episode VII finally has a director. Lucasfilm announced late last week that Star Trek andSuper 8 director J.J. Abrams will be taking the lead for the first installment of the Sequel Trilogy. The hosts, Bria, and Emily break down their thoughts on Abrams and what this means for Star Wars.

Camie’s Concerns this week is a roundtable discussion looking at Timothy Zahn’s Scoundrels. Did the somewhat radical departure from typical Expanded Universe conventions and tropes work? Listen in to see what everyone thought of Zahn’s latest addition to the world of Star Wars literature.

Finally, the hosts wrap up the show with their Ask Us Anything segment.

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of and a part of the Solo Sound network. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store or the Xbox Music Store. We can also be found on FacebookGoogle+, and Twitter.

Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.

Tosche Station Radio Discussing Scoundrels and J.J. Abrams Tonight, Send us your Questions!



What are you up to tonight at 5PM Pacific? Nothing? Great! You should join us in the Livestream chat for an all-new episode of Tosche Station Radio.

Joining the usual hosting duo today are staff writers Bria and Emily as part of a Scoundrels roundtable discussion. We’ll also be discussing the Prequel Trilogy 3D postponement as wel as the J.J. Abrams news and what it could mean for Episode VII and Star Wars as a whole.

As always, we would love to take your questions! If you have questions specific to the topics we’ll be discussing, send them our way and we’ll work them into our roundtable. Any other questions relating to Star Wars or geek culture you can also submit and we’ll answer them at the end of the show.