Kickstarter: War of the Seasons by Janine Spendlove

Last week we were fortunate to have author and all-around awesome human being Janine Spendlove on the podcast. Janine is the author of War of the Seasons, a YA fantasy trilogy that both Nanci and I have greatly enjoyed. Today, she’s kickstarting the launch of the third and final book in that series.

If you’ve read the first two War of the Seasons novels, you can contribute to this kickstarter to get either an ebook or a print version (depending on the contribution level) of the third book. If you haven’t read the prior two novels, you can get those included as ebooks for a $15 or greater contribution or as print novels for $50.

As is the case with many kickstarters, there are bonuses for hitting some stretch goals. Among them? Short stories set in the War of the Seasons universe that will be penned by Star Wars Expanded Universe authors Aaron Allston and Mike Stackpole.

Other stretch goal authors that may wind up contributing short stories both in the War of the Seasons universe and outside of it are Bryan Young, Cleolinda Jones, Albin Johnson (founding of the 501st), and Maggie Allen.

Tosche Station Radio #71: War of the Seasons with Janine Spendlove


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On this episode of Tosche Station Radio, the hosts sit down to talk with author Janine Spendlove.

Kicking off the show, the hosts highlight what’s New on the Blog. Nanci reviewed of The Making of Return of the Jedi and did a spoiler free  Go/No-go of The Darwin Elevator. Meanwhile, Bria reviewed The Star Wars #2.

In Fixer’s Flash, Nanci finished reading The Darwin Elevator. Both the hosts caught up with Once Upon a Time and watched The Last Starfighter.

Deak’s Dirt this week starts with Kotaku’s profile of the LucasArts collapse. J.J. Abrams appearance on PBS to talk Star Trek and Star Wars and reassured fans that the franchise wouldn’t be Disneyfied. Dark Horse entered into a distribution partnership with Random House. In the Rumor Roundup, there’s rumblings of live-action Star Wars and  a time placement for Rebels. Apply your grains of salt, but it’s rumored that Saoirse Ronan, Ben Kingsley, and Sullivan Stapleton have read for Episode VII parts.

We’re lucky to have War of the Seasons author Janine Spendlove join us on this week’s Camie’s Concerns. We talk with Janine about Star Wars, conventions, her writing process, and her work on novels and her short stories. Be sure to visit her site and check out War of the Seasons and anthologies she’s featured in!

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of and a part of Majestic Giraffe Productions. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.

This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and

Kickstart Time Traveled Tales

How would you like a speculative fiction anthology featuring works by authors like Timothy Zahn, Aaron Allston, Mike Stackpole, Janine Spendlove, and Bryan Young? Good news, there’s a Kickstarter for that.

At the $5 level, you’ll get an ebook version of the anthology. At $20, you’ll get the limited Kickstarter edition.

Book Review: ‘War of the Seasons: The Human’ by Janine Spendlove

Confession: I love young adult literature.

That wasn’t always the case. For a long time I wouldn’t even consider a book that had so much of a whiff of young adult associated with it. I’d use some rather broad brushstrokes to justify not reading those books. They’re not complex enough, they’re poorly written. At one point a friend pointed out to me that my complaints about young adult fiction could really be applied to any form of literature. What matters is the context and execution. More importantly, if you skip out on young adult fiction, you run the risk of missing out on some excellent novels.

Take, for example, War of the Seasons: The Human by Janine Spendlove.

What I really appreciate about this book is that it’s very accessible to readers who perhaps aren’t the biggest fantasy fans out there. I certainly don’t go out of my way to read books in this genre with the last fantasy novel I read being The Wise Man’s Fear. Spendlove succeeds by not falling into the trap of bludgeoning readers over the head with her universe’s lore and mythology. This is largely a function of telling the tale exclusively through Story’s eyes. As she learns more about Ailionora little by little, so do you. This sort of gradual world-building keeps the prose from getting too dense, which is a problem I’ve had with fantasy in the past.

Speaking of Story, I absolutely adore her. She’s mature for her age, but not unreasonably so. Someone who has gone through what Story has in her life will inevitably be forced to grow up faster than they want to and Spendlove’s choice to portray Story in that light was a smart one. There’s also some spunk to her personality*  which immediately endeared her to me.

*I could also go on at length about how much I love that she’s a spelunker, but then I’d just ramble about outdoors-y things that would bore everyone to tears.   

If there is a complaint to be had, it’s that the pacing is a touch slow at the beginning. For me (and this is an entirely subjective thing), it took a bit of time to really get into the novel. Of course, once I was hooked in I couldn’t put it down. If you do pick this book up, keep that in mind. Once I was far enough in to know Story better, I couldn’t put it down.

Down to its core, War of the Seasons: The Human is a fun, engaging, and surprisingly deep novel. I didn’t think I would be picking up a book that would investigate how one deals with the loss of loved ones, what the damage is, and just what goes into the recovery process. As a fantasy novel, it’s incredibly accessible to any reader and it crafts a unique world that I can’t wait to return to.  Most importantly, this book is a character-driven tale that features a great cast and a fantastic protagonist.

And to think, I would have missed all of this if I’d kept up with my silly refusal to read young adult novels.

War of the Seasons: The Human earns a 4/5

Note: War of the Seasons: The Half-Blood is now available for purchase as well.

Win A Copy of ‘Time Traveled Tales’

Good news: Authors like Janine Spendlove, Mike Stackpole, Aaron Allston, Tim Zahn, and Bryan Young teamed up to put together a nifty anthology of short stories centered around time travel!

Bad news: The anthology was limited to a 500 quantity run and was exclusive to the Origins Game Convention, so you can’t buy it.

Good news (for one lucky person): I went and bought an extra copy to give away!

How can you claim it? Simple! Follow our Twitter account and retweet this message. We’ll select a winner at random.


Allston, Zahn, Stackpole, Young, and Spendlove Team Up For Origins Exclusive Anthology

Heading to the Origins Game Fair in Columbus this month? You may want to check out a nifty little project Expanded Universe author Aaron Allston announced yesterday.

Time-Traveled Tales is an experiment by GAMA, the organization that runs Origins — it’s the first fiction anthology produced as a souvenir for that convention. Similar anthologies produced for events like the World Fantasy Convention tend to become collector’s items. We’re hoping that the same will come true of this book, and that it will persuade GAMA to produce more in the future.

You can help them with that decision, of course, by buying one…

Time-Traveled Tales is being produced in a limited print run. In the event that the print run does not sell out at the convention, individual authors may have copies for sale in the future. But picking up a copy early at the Origins Game Fair, or asking a friend to pick one up for you, is the only way to be sure of getting a copy. At this moment, we have no idea whether the anthology will be reissued in the future.

Wish us luck with this experiment, and I look forward to seeing you at Origins.

Just who is involved with this project? There’s Allston, of course. Authors and all around cool people Janine Spendlove and Bryan Young have entries in the paperback. Then there’s Tim Zahn and Mike Stackpole, who you just might be familiar with.

I’ll definitely be looking out for a copy when I head down to Columbus later this month. For more information, visit Aaron’s blog.