Servants of the Empire: Imperial Justice, out July 7, is the third installment in the young reader tie-in series to Star Wars Rebels. The first book, Edge the Galaxy, introduced us to Zare Leonis, his sister Dhara, and soon-to-be girlfriend Merei Spanjak in the year before Zare entered the Imperial Academy on Lothal. Rebel in the Ranks picked up the story with Zare as a new Imperial cadet and followed him as he tried to learn the truth about what happened to his sister. In Imperial Justice, Zare has to contend with antagonistic fellow cadet and superior officer Roddance, who want to prove he’s a traitor. Meanwhile, Merei is in trouble of her own, working for a criminal boss on Lothal as payment for him helping her snoop into the Imperial network in Rebel in the Ranks. Not to mention, her security genius mother is the one assigned to investigate the breach.
Tag Archives: Jason Fry
Why The Rebellion Leaders Need to be in Rebels
Season 1 of Star Wars Rebels didn’t pull any punches when it came to raising the stakes. The season finale, “Fire Across the Galaxy,” changed the landscape of the show in several ways. It killed off the Inquisitor, setting the stage for Darth Vader as the new Big Bad of the series. It revealed Ahsoka Tano as Fulcrum, Hera’s contact in the nascent Rebellion, and established her as a recurring character. Most important, however, was the return of Bail Organa (in hologram form), in which he informed the crew of the Ghost that they were, indeed, their very own Rebel cell.
Rise of the Empire Short Story Authors Announced
At Star Wars Celebration Anaheim, Del Rey announced a new bind-up of A New Dawn and Tarkin called Rise of the Empire, that will feature three new short stories bridging together the two novels and providing further insight into the power of the Galactic Empire.
Today Del Rey revealed the cover as well as the authors for the three short stories: first time Star Wars author Melissa Scott, John Jackson Miller, and Jason Fry!
Rise of the Empire will go on sale October 6.
Celebration Anaheim: Interview with Jason Fry
During the first day of Celebration Anaheim, Brian and I were fortunate enough to run into author Jason Fry and he graciously allowed us to shove a microphone in his face. Unfortunately the recording quality was too poor to upload as its own podcast, but you can read a transcription of the interview under the cut. We chatted about Servants of the Empire and writing in the Star Wars universe, his original Jupiter Pirates series, and, of course, the new The Force Awakens teaser.
Note: This interview contains spoilers for the Servants of the Empire series.
Go/No-Go – Star Wars Rebels: Servants of the Empire: Rebel in the Ranks
Servants of the Empire: Rebel in the Ranks is the second installment in the young reader tie-in series to Star Wars Rebels. The first book, Edge of the Galaxy, introduced us to Zare Leonis, his sister Dhara, and soon-to-be girlfriend Merei Spanjak in the year before Zare entered the Imperial Academy on Lothal. Rebel in the Ranks picks up the story with Zare as a new Imperial cadet and follows him as he tries to learn the truth about what happened to his sister. Along the way he meets another cadet who has no love for the Empire.
Go/No-go: The Jupiter Pirates: The Curse of the Iris
There are many things to love about Jason Fry’s middle grade science fiction series, The Jupiter Pirates. The story is fast-paced, it takes place in an intriguing world, and it features space pirates! What’s not to love? If I have one complaint, it’s that I have to wait a year between books. *stomps foot angrily*
The first novel in the series, Hunt for the Hydra, came out last December and I took to the characters right away. The second installment, The Curse of the Iris, catches up with the Hashoone family two years later as they search for the long-last cache of a pirate spaceship called Iris.
Did I like the second book as much as the first? Read on to find out! (Spoilers: I totally did.)
Go/No-Go: Star Wars Rebels: Servant of the Empire: Edge of the Galaxy
Servants of the Empire: Edge of the Galaxy is the first installment in a new young reader tie-in series to Star Wars Rebels. Told from the perspective of a teenage boy named Zare Leonis, it chronicles his final year in AppSci school before following his sister Dhara to the Imperial Academy on Lothal.
Jason Fry is no stranger to writing Star Wars, and he does a great job with Zare’s character arc. Zare starts out the story a teenage boy whose only concerns are succeeding in grav-ball and proving himself to be just as good as his sister, but due to the year’s events he starts to question the Empire he’d basically been born to serve. It gives a good insight into what causes some people to want to rebel against the Empire, and why others would be more resistant to speaking out. Despite it being set in a different universe, it’s a very relatable issue. Do you do what you feel is right and in the process risk your life and the lives of your loved ones, or do you keep quiet about wrongdoings and not cause any trouble? It’s easy to say what you’d do in that situation until you’re actually in it. And Zare’s problems start small, from issues with a school administrator, but eventually become much larger than he could ever imagine.
One thing I found interesting is that the Imperial Academy was actually located on Lothal, and not on a more populated world. I always had the impression from A New Hope that there was just one Academy, but upon reflection I realize that would be unrealistic in a universe as big as Star Wars. It makes me wonder which Academy Biggs attended, and which one Luke would have gone to.
Edge of the Empire has great little nods to the Legends EU, including mentions of caf, hot chocolate, and use of the swear words stang and kriffing. I was also glad that Dhara mentioned women going through stormtrooper training at the Academy. Fry also invents a new sport called grav-ball, which is a combination of soccer, football, basketball, and Quidditch (the sport in Harry Potter, for all you Muggles out there). I’m not a huge sports fan, but those scenes were well-written and tied into the plot and Zare’s character arc very well.
If you’re a fan of Rebels, definitely pick this up. Don’t be put off that its meant for younger audiences. It’s a fun, fast read and does a great job at depicting everyday life in the Galaxy Far, Far Away. And, as I’m sure was the intention, I’m now really looking forward the Academy episodes of Rebels–not to mention the future installments in the Servants of the Empire series. This book gets a GO from me.
Go/No-Go: The Jupiter Pirates: Hunt for the Hydra
It’s hard to write a review of Jason C. Fry’s The Jupiter Pirates that isn’t just me saying “It’s really fun! Go read it!” But that’s the truth. It’s really fun. You should go read it.
In case you’re not willing to blindly follow my recommendations (and why not?), allow me to describe the book a bit more.
Tosche Station Radio #59: Talkin’ Baseball with Jason Fry
On this episode of Tosche Station Radio, the hosts are joined by Star Wars author Jason Fry to talk his contributions to the universe, The Clone Wars, Rebels, and even a bit of baseball!
This week on Fixer’s Flash, Nanci went to her last round of Star Wars Weekends for the year. Both of the hosts watched more Stargate, and Brian read more of Kenobi.
Deak’s Dirt starts with news that Star Wars Books has announced the title of the new James S.A. Corey Han Solo novel – Star Wars: Empire and Rebellion: Honor Among Thieves. The novel will be published in Spring 2014. The blog Tenth Letter of the Alphabet has a great article about the evolution of the Star Wars logo. Star Wars Reads Day to return October 5. The Course of the Force lightsaber relay in support of Make-a-Wish is back this summer, kicking off July 9 from Skywalker Ranch and arriving in San Diego on July 16. For $150, registrants can carry the lightsaber during the relay. All proceeds to go charity. The Nerdist also kicked off a multi-part web series leading up to the event. In sad fandom news, Matt Smith is leaving Doctor Who after four years.
On Camie’s Concerns this week, the hosts are joined by guest Jason Fry to discuss his contributions to the Star Wars universe, The Clone Wars, and a bit of baseball. It’s an in-depth conversation covering a whole bunch of Star Wars, so get comfy!
Wrapping up the show, the hosts field a question from a listener in Ask Us Anything.
Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of and a part of Majestic Giraffe Productions. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.
Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.
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Tosche Station Radio interviewing author Jason Fry this Wednesday
So what are you up to Wednesday? Nothing? Great! This Wednesday at 5PM PDT, we’ll be interviewing Essential Atlas and Essential Guide to Warfare author Jason Fry on the podcast.
As always, we’ll be livestreaming the recording so you’ll be able to listen in and join the livestream chat. In addition, if you have questions for Fry, you can tweet them to us, leave us a message on Facebook, or just leave a comment on this post. We’ll compile them and ask them during the course of the interview.