‘John Carter’ Breaks Even

Good news for Disney, John Carter managed to make back what was sunk into it thanks to overseas revenues.

BoxOffice Mojo reports that John Carter has grossed $254.5 million, a $4.5 million over its budget—currently not technically a profit, considering its advertising budget, but it’s far better than the epic loss that many had feared.

Unsurprisingly, most of this coin has come from overseas. While John Carter earned over $66 million here in the United States, international markets have pulled in over $188 million. Film Buff Online writes that John Carter was #1 in box office receipts for two weeks in a row in China. This profit will keep increasing, as John Carter has yet to be released in Japan, where it will surely put the movie several million dollars in the black.

While it’s good that the film didn’t wind up costing Disney their collective shirts, they’re likely never to escape the bad press it garnered for them. Make no mistake, a $66 million gross in the United States is an embarrassment. The media reviews seemed to get caught up in a revolving narrative of how poor the film was, perhaps overplaying the criticism and driving some theater patrons away. Ultimately, the reason it failed lies squarely at the feet of Disney and the film’s creative staff.

It was a poorly marketed movie. Just about all of my friends who saw it had no idea going in that it was a science fiction film*. Or that it was based on a book that was foundational for sci-fi as we know it. More than that, it just wasn’t that special of a film. The narrative was disjointed, the acting was wooden. It had some pretty visuals going for it, but that was easily the highlight of a very forgettable movie.

*Dropping the ‘Mars’ part of ‘John Carter of Mars.’ Not the most savvy marketing you’ve ever done, Disney.

If you’re looking for a good book-to-film adaptation, you might want to give this a shot instead.

Forbes via Aaron Allston