Welcome back to Go/No-Go, Tosche Station’s regular feature where we offer our spoiler-free opinion as to whether or not you should spend your hard-earned money on a book, film, or other entertainment. Today on the launch pad: Kenobi. Just how much will the staff like this western about Obi-Wan Kenobi adjusting to life in hiding and the residents of a small community on Tatooine? To mission control for the ruling!
Tag Archives: John Jackson Miller
Go/No-go – Overdraft: The Orion Offensive
This week saw the release of the eighth and final installment of Overdraft: The Orion Offensive, a Kindle Serial by prolific Star Wars author John Jackson Miller. The Orion Offensive is Miller’s first novel set in an original universe and my first introduction to him as an author. I was already excited for his upcoming novel Kenobi, and after reading The Orion Offensive, I can’t wait for more original stories from him. More specific thoughts after the cut.
Kenobi gets a cover
Another week, another fantastic cover release. This time around, it’s John Jackson Miller’s Kenobi.
And a synopsis!
Tatooine—a harsh desert world where farmers toil in the heat of two suns while trying to protect themselves and their loved ones from the marauding Tusken Raiders. A backwater planet on the edge of civilized space. And an unlikely place to find a Jedi Master in hiding, or an orphaned infant boy on whose tiny shoulders rests the future of a galaxy.
Known to locals only as “Ben,” the bearded and robed offworlder is an enigmatic stranger who keeps to himself, shares nothing of his past, and goes to great pains to remain an outsider. But as tensions escalate between the farmers and a tribe of Sand People led by a ruthless war chief, Ben finds himself drawn into the fight, endangering the very mission that brought him to Tatooine.
Ben—Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, hero of the Clone Wars, traitor to the Empire, and protector of the galaxy’s last hope—can no more turn his back on evil than he can reject his Jedi training. And when blood is unjustly spilled, innocent lives threatened, and a ruthless opponent unmasked, Ben has no choice but to call on the wisdom of the Jedi—and the formidable power of the Force—in his never-ending fight for justice.
Kenobi hits bookshelves on August 27th.
Leia Novel, Kenobi get Release Dates
Star Wars Books just announced that the currently untitled Leia novel in the Rebels series by Martha Wells as well as John Jackson Miller Kenobi novel have been given release dates.
New dates: the as yet untitled Leia REBELS novel by @marthawells1 is moving to 10/29 and #STARWARS KENOBI by @jjmfaraway to 8/27 #SWEU
— StarWarsBooks (@DelReyStarWars) February 22, 2013
And in case you can’t see the above tweet, it’s October 29, 2013 for the Leia novel and August 27, 2013 for Kenobi.
Expanded Universe Authors talk the Sequel Trilogy
Hollywood.com recently rounded up a collection of current Expanded Universe authors to ask them what they hope to see in the Sequel Trilogy, what EU characters they’d look to see make an appearance, and what the ultimate fate of the Big Three should be. Reading through, I was struck by Aaron Allston’s answers in particular:
What I Hope to See from Episodes VII-IX: Could I see “Screenplay by Aaron Allston”? No?
Well, barring that, I’d like to see the story move away from the Skywalkers, Solos, even the Jedi a bit, reminding us that there are other people doing important things in the galaxy. I’d like to see a greater proportion of female characters. I want to see more spectacle — Tatooine junkyards and bongo interiors aren’t exactly challenges for ILM’s skills. And I hope to see a return to the lightheartedness and humor of A New Hope, putting the fatalism of the prequels behind us.
What secondary or Expanded Universe character I’d Like to See Get the Spotlight: This kind of depends on exactly when in the timeline Episodes VII through IX take place. Timothy Zahn’s Mara Jade would always be a good choice. The next-generation Solos and Skywalkers, such as Jaina Solo and Ben Skywalker, would be welcome. If any sort of espionage is in the offing, some sort of nod to my ownWraith Squadron characters would be a thrill for me.
But what I really hope to see most is any sort of appearance by recognizable EU characters, which would be an acknowledgement that the EU is a significant part of what constitutes Star Wars.
How I Want to See Luke, Han, or Leia Die: You know, I actually don’t want to see them die in the movies, and it’s not just because of affection for the characters…
…Me, I’m all for having Luke, Leia, and Han be in a scene showing them knocking back shots of Corellian brandy while playing cards. Then the screen can go through a 1940s-style wipe and the camera can zoom in on their descendants saving the galaxy for a new generation.
Allston pretty much summed up exactly what I’d love to see in these new films as well as what I think should happen with Luke, Han, and Leia. So many people seem eager to see those characters killed off in epic fashion, but I’m a fan of the quiet retirement approach. They’ve earned their victory lap and fade to black.
His overall sentiments on the Expanded Universe I think are also important to consider. Many forget, but for a long time, that was it for Star Wars. The only new story material being produced. It attracted a passionate following and helped to rejuvenate the fandom from the doldrums of the 80s and early 90s and keep it alive during the long stretches when it seemed like Lucasfilm was done producing material. Including any EU characters is a gesture to fans, authors, and editors who helped to keep things alive.
For more from Allston as well as Christie Golden, Michael Reaves, Troy Denning, James Luceno, John Jackson Miller, Drew Karpyshyn, and Paul S. Kemp, head to the Hollywood.com interview.
EU Updates – Rebels and Kenobi
The age of Twitter and blogging is awesome, if only because it allows authors direct contact with their readers. This week, several Expanded Universe authors have given updates on their upcoming novels. To the jump!
Expanded Universe News and Announcements from NYCC
The Expanded Universe books panel at New York Comic Con was held earlier today. Among the information dropped were tidbits about upcoming books as well as the reveal of two brand-new titles. Thanks to Aaron Goins for covering the event as well as the official Del Rey Star Wars crew for keeping those of us who couldn’t make it in the loop!
Del Rey editor Frank Parisi on @paulskemp duology “Can’t talk about it yet but it will f’ing blow your minds!” #NYCC#SWEU
— StarWarsBooks (@DelReyStarWars) October 12, 2012
We haven’t heard much about the Kemp duology other than the fact that it will eventually exist. Now apparently we also know it will cause your brain matter to splatter onto the surrounding walls.
More news and announcement below the jump!
‘Lost Tribe of the Sith’ is Back. In Comic Form!
USA Today with the news that Dark Horse heavy hitter John Jackson Miller will be bringing the Lost Tribe onto the pages of a five-issue comic series.
Writer John Jackson Miller is just one of many guys who digs that galaxy far, far away, and he’s going way, way back in it for his new five-issue Dark Horse Comics series Star Wars: The Lost Tribe of the Sith, launching Aug. 8.
The comic removes three aspects that are some of the most essential of the Star Wars films — technology, starships and Jedi knights — and focuses on the Tribe, an ancient group of Sith believers stranded on a remote planet for 5,000 years. (The Sith, by the way, tap into the dark side of the Force.)
The Lost Tribe of the Sith project began three years ago with the Fate of the Jedi novel series, which found this group escaping their prison in the time of Star Wars hero Luke Skywalker and threatening the galaxy.
For more, head over to USA Today.
New Mystery Star Wars Project Announcement Incoming
Hit it, John Jackson Miller!
And there should be news out about the Secret Project at last in the next week and a half, I am told. Not long now…
— John Jackson Miller (@jjmfaraway) April 27, 2012
Could this be the original trilogy project Dark Horse hinted at during C2E2? We’ll have to wait for the actual announcement to know for certain, but that won’t stop any of us from stooping to rampant speculation.
I, for one, am hoping we’ll finally get a book or comic filled with Bren Derlin Facts.
John Jackson Miller’s ‘Lost Tribe of the Sith’ Collection Gets New Release Date
And a format change.
New on sale date, 7/24, and format, trade paperback, for @jjmfaraway LOST TRIBE OF THE SITH: COLLECTED SERIES. #SWEU @Darth_Duff
— StarWarsBooks (@DelReyStarWars) April 13, 2012
Also announced are the inclusion of brand new maps. Look for the Lost Tribe collection to hit bookshelves on July 24th.