Review: Star Wars #25

The Last Flight of the Harbinger draws to a close today with the release of Star Wars #25. It’s been an… uneven arc. Perhaps uneven’s not quite the right word but the tone of each issue has felt wildly different. We went from the super serious stormtrooper focused issue to the very flirty Han and Leia one to this serious yet humorous battle one. I’ve enjoyed the ride but admittedly, I’m not sure how I feel about the book as a whole.

By far and away, Sana Starros is establishing herself as one of the best parts of this book. (Apparently November is the month when I fistpump and cheer on awesome ladies.)   Since her introduction many arcs ago, it’s been a delight watching her develop into being so much more than an old compatriot of Han’s. The insanity of the Rebels is start to rub off on her and holy hell SHE IS A BADASS. Everything about her duel with the stormtrooper is just fantastic especially with their banter. She has very quickly become my favorite part of this book and I hope she continues to stick around and maybe even guest stars in the Dr. Aphra book one day?

Jason Aaron definitely does take advantage of getting access to Vader again and I believe he’ll continue to do so. (No spoilers… you’ll just have to read the last page.) I’m also hoping that we get to see more of Sergeant Kreel’s squad… the book certainly seems to hint that we might. They didn’t get to do quite enough this book to fully establish themselves as the badasses that they were in the first issue.

I sound moderately down on this issue but that has more to do with not being quite as satisfied with the arc as a whole. The fight scenes in this one are definitely fun. It just wasn’t my favorite story line thus far. But hey! This issue does also include a short little comic at the end about Artoo by Chris Eliopoulos and Jordie Bellaire and it’s the CUTEST THING.

Star Wars #25: Jason Aaron/Writer, Jorge Molina/Artist, Matt Milla/Colorist, Chris Eliopoulos/Letterer, Jordan White/Editor, Heather Antos/Assistant Editor

Review: Star Wars #21

The main Star Wars book never shines more than when Jason Aaron just goes for it and that’s exactly what he does here with the kick off of the much awaited stormtrooper arc.  Making his return is Sergeant Kreel from Luke’s misadventure on Nar Shaddaa except now he’s in command of Scar Squad, a group of very deadly Special Commando Advanced Recon stormtroopers.  (Bless comic books and their acronyms.)

If you enjoyed the Republic Commando books from Legends, you’ll almost definitely like this issue.  They may not be a bunch of Mandalorian raised clones but they are a fairly tight-knit band of extremely deadly men (and possibly women.)  The Rebels never stood a chance.  Aaron continues the work laid by other Star Wars creators and gives a more human face to the Empire.  Between this issue and books like Lost Stars, it’s not hard to understand why someone would be such a fervent believer in the Empire.  It’s stability, it’s an opportunity.  The Rebel Alliance is either a bunch of freedom fighters or a terrorist organization… all depending on your point of view.

Jorge Molina gets to have some fun on the art front and draw a bunch of different stormtrooper variations.  Visually, it’s a neat shorthand to show how elite Scar Squad is– not everyone gets to have their own unique kits.  The Molina/Milla team works very nicely for this book and fits right in with the other artists they’ve had on the different arcs so far.  And shout out to David Aja for the rad cover!  I’ve missed his work on Hawkeye so this is a nice little gem.

Been holding off on diving into the Star Wars comics?  Star Wars #21 is the perfect issue to jump in with!

Star Wars #21: Jason Aaron/Writer, Jorge Molina/Artist, Matt Milla/Colorist, Chris Eliopoulos/Letterer, Jordan White/Editor, Heather Antos/Assistant Editor