The Avengers Have Finally Assembled!

(In England, anyway.)

The following review, while spoiler-free, has explicit spoilers for Thor as well as potential implied ones for Iron Man 2 and Captain America. That said, if you’re reading this review and haven’t seen those yet, go watch them and then come back here.

The thing about The Avengers—or Avengers Assemble, which only about ten people actually call it—is that it was pretty much guaranteed to be at least decently good. Obviously, until it came out, there was no gauge of exactly how good it was, but like macaroni and cheese or chocolate, for it to actually be bad, something would need to have gone pretty spectacularly wrong.

(And it’s not, strictly speaking, a sequel to anything, so I’m going to avoiding pointing out that, often, things do go spectacularly wrong for sequels.)

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CBS Interviews Joss Whedon

We’re less than a week away from one of the most hotly anticipated films of the year, Marvel’s The Avengers. Ahead of the release, CBS sat down with director and writer Joss Whedon to discuss the film, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Much Ado About Nothing, and his writing career. Oh, and his wife pokes fun at his sheer geek factor.

As superhero movies go, “The Avengers” is super-sized – Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk, Thor, Black Widow and Hawkeye brought together to save the world.

The cast is filled with big names: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson and Scarlett Johansson, to name but a few.

More stars than there are in the firmament, says writer-director Joss Whedon. “It’s the most stars I can remember seeing since, like, one of those ’70s disaster movies.”

So why on Earth did Disney and Marvel Comics put this rumored $220 million movie in the hands of Whedon? He does not, said Blackstone, have a reputation as a “big movie” director.

To watch the interview, head on over to CBS’ Sunday Morning site.

Spoiler Free Review: ‘The Cabin in the Woods’

I hate horror movies.

Loathe them. I am easily the world’s biggest wuss when it comes to watching scary movies. The last one I saw was The Ring, and after that I had a hard time sleeping for a week. Heck, I wouldn’t touch our TV for a few days just because I didn’t want some stringy-haired ghost girl to reach out of the set and suck the life force out of me. So yes, horror and I do not get along well, which is why I surprised myself by even considering seeing The Cabin in the Woods, a horror film from Drew Goddard and Joss Whedon.

While I hate horror films, I love the works of Joss Whedon. His brand of wit, awareness, and genre savvy has always resonated with me, be it Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Firefly. If you’ve spent even five minutes listening to the podcast, you’ve probably heard me gush about how well Whedon develops his characters and crafts dialog. You can see my dillema.

My trust in Whedon eventually won out and I finally went to see the film last night. Thankfully for horrorphobes like myself, Cabin in the Woods is one of the few films in the genre I can heartily recommend.

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