Review: Star Wars: Legacy #10

Another month, another brand new issue of Star Wars: Legacy!  Issue #10 by Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman hits comic store shelves today, drawing the second arc of the series to a close.

When last we left our heroes, the cavalry, led by Admiral Stalzi and Knight Val, had just arrived to at Dac to answer Jao’s distress call.  Even with Admiral Stalzi’s excellent plan to take advantage of the Mon Cal’s and the Quarren’s ability to breath underwater by flooding parts of the station, it’s hardly an easy battle.  The pirates aren’t about to go down without a fight and Jao is locked in a duel with Darth Luft.  Reinforcements are hardly going to make the fight to retake the station an easy one though.

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Review: Star Wars: Legacy #8

Star Wars: Legacy is back again this month as issue #8 by Corinna Beckho and Gabriel Hardman hits stores today.  We’d consider attaching the label of ‘trouble magnet’ to Ania Solo from here on out but honestly, now she’s just diving head first into it.

This review contains mild spoilers for the issue.

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Review: Star Wars: Legacy #7

Legacy continues today with the release of Issue #7.  Rest time is over as Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman set our heroes off on their next adventure in pursuit of Darth Wredd.  But honestly, after that cliffhanger at the end of the last issue, who wants to waste any more time with this introduction?  On with the review!

This review contains mild spoilers for the issue.

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Review: Star Wars: Legacy #6

Legacy6CoverAfter a whirlwind past couple of issues, Legacy #6 feels like a deep breath as our heroes regroup.  That’s not to say there isn’t any action since, as the cover advertises, it’s a Sith vs Sith battle but Ania Solo’s very bad day finally has come to a close.  Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman follow up on their excellent first arc with a transitional issue that’s a good read nonetheless.

This review contains mild spoilers for the issue.

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Review: Star Wars: Legacy #5

If you weren’t already sold on the brand new Star Wars: Legacy comic, you almost definitely will be after this issue.  Legacy #5 by Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman is out in stores today and draws the first story arc to a spectacular close.  If you haven’t been reading the book thus far, I would definitely suggest find yourself copies of the first 5 issues or preordering the trade.

As with before, this review contains mild spoilers for the issue.

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Dear Star Wars Books: Thank You For the Women

About a year and a half ago, I wrote a blog post for EUCantina in which I analyzed the roles of women in the Expanded Universe, specifically in the post-Return of the Jedi era. The article was inspired by the cancellation of “Mandorla”, the Alex Irvine novel about Nomi Sunrider, from the Tales of the Jedi comics. I’d been wanting a book about Nomi for awhile, and was really disappointed to see it cancelled. And the disappointment stung on more than just a level of “I was really looking forward to that book.”

And then my brain began to turn. As far as I can recall, “Mandorla” was the only novel in recent memory to be focused on a female protagonist. We’ve had “Han” novels, “Bane” novels, “Revan” novels; where are the “Jaina” and “Padme” and “Leia” novels? Why cancel a novel that had a chance to expand on a strong female lead?

The article was generally well received, with a few exceptions, mostly from people claiming that the EU was already filled with lots of female characters. While that may have been true, the point of the article remained:

“But Star Wars has many female leads,” you might say. To which I reply: “but none are allowed to lead.”

The original article has since been lost to the internet ether, but I had my own draft copy elsewhere. With San Diego Comic Con happening and in anticipation of the Star Wars Books panel, I recently skimmed the article with the intention of reposting it here on Tosche Station for posterity’s sake. But as I kept reading, I realized something: in less than 18 months, Del Rey and LucasBooks has addressed nearly all of my major complaints in the article. And I knew I’d be remiss if I didn’t revisit the article and say THANK YOU.

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Review: Star Wars: Legacy #4

Somehow, Ania Solo’s week just keeps taking her further and further away from being a junk dealer and into a much larger universe.  Out today is Legacy: Prisoner of the Floating World #4 by Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman and trouble is definitely the name of the game here for our heroes.

This review contains mild spoilers for the issue.

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Review: Star Wars: Legacy #3

Ania Solo’s accidental adventure continues as things just keep getting worse.  Legacy: Prisoner of the Floating World #3 was released on Wednesday and Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman continue to deliver a solidly good book.

This review contains mild spoilers for the issue.

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