Hamill Discusses Sequel Trilogy, Talking with Lucasfilm

markhamill39309With the release of Sushi Girl, Entertainment Tonight caught up with Mark Hamill recently to discuss his latest film. Of course, it isn’t an interview with him unless Star Wars and, specifically, Episode VII is brought up. Is Hamill involved?

“They’re talking to us,” he reveals. “George [Lucas] wanted to know whether we’d be interested. He did say that if we didn’t want to do it, they wouldn’t cast another actor in our parts – they would write us out. … I can tell you right away that we haven’t signed any contracts. We’re in the stage where they want us to go in and meet with Michael Arndt, who is the writer, and Kathleen Kennedy, who is going to run Lucasfilm. Both have had meetings set that were postponed — on their end, not mine. They’re more busy than I am.”

And does Hamill have any inside information about the story to share with the masses?

“I probably learn more from Entertainment Tonight than I do directly from Lucasfilm – like for instance, when George told us he wanted to do the next trilogy, he didn’t tell us it was going to be done for Disney. He saved that little nugget, and I read it online like anybody else.”


Do be sure to read the whole interview with Mark Hamill. There’s some great insight as to what he thinks the new films should be about, tonally and thematically. In a nutshell, he’d like to see things return to where they were in the Original Trilogy. More lighthearted, adventurous  and hopeful.

Via Club Jade

Mark Hamill Has Known About Episode VII Since August

Pablo Hidalgo wasn’t the only person who’s been keeping this bombshell a secret. According to an interview at Entertianment Weekly, Mark Hamill says he and Carrie Fisher have known that a new trilogy was coming since August.

Of course, Entertainment Weekly tried to get more out of Hamill, but he doesn’t have much information to give up:

When you had lunch with George, did he get into any details with you about where the story would go in the next three films, or whether you would have a part in them?
Well, no, he was just talking about writers and the fact that he wouldn’t be directing. I guess he wanted us to know before everybody else knew. He said, “Now you can’t tell anybody!” [Laughs] Even now I’m nervous about saying anything. I just don’t know!

Let the fan speculation continue, I suppose.

Mark Hamill Confirmed for Celebration VI, Nanci Explodes With Glee

That sound you just heard was Nanci screaming in glee.

The Celebration VI staff has announced today that Mark Hamill will be back and in attendance this year! Prepare for a long queue if he does a marquee event. As Nanci mentioned on the latest podcast, last Celebration she was in line for nearly two hours to get in.