X-Wing Series Bundle On Sale Today

Have we convinced you to read the X-Wing books yet? We Have? Then good news!

You can buy the original nine novels in an eBook format bundle today for $56.99, a 20% discount over buying them individually. If you’re considering picking these books up for the first time or are long-time fans that simply wish to save your poor paperback copies wear-and-tear, you can get the bundle for Amazon’s Kindle or Barnes and Noble’s Nook.

While you’re at it, why don’t you pre-order X-Wing: Mercy Kill as well?

Fallout, Wasteland and a favorite author

I’m not what you might call a ‘hardcore’ gamer. I really haven’t ever been, but as time has gone by I’ve gotten to the point where I’m less and less competitive when it comes to games. At the end of the day, I’d rather play a good co-op game than go head to head against a nameless stranger that insists on throwing insults my way. But I still love gaming and I still love difficult, challenging games. I just like them in the single player world.

My wife will tell you that she’s seen me play more in the setting of Fallout than is healthy for any person, and as I check my Steam account, I can tell you that I have spent 238 hour in Fallout: New Vegas. I’m a little bit sick, I think.

This is all leading up to something loosely Star Wars related, I promise.
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