Just Keep Swimming: Pixar Announces Release Date for “Finding Dory”

dory Just when we thought Disney couldn’t get any more awesome: Disney and Pixar announce that Dory, Nemo, and Marlin will be swimming back into theatres in 2015 in Finding Dory.

Lest you think that this is an April Fool’s joke that didn’t catch on until today, fear not. Deadline.com reported that Pixar had started work on a Finding Nemo sequel back in July 2012.

As for what’s going to happen, MTV.com has offered a quote from returning director Andrew Stanton on what Finding Dory will entail:

One thing we couldn’t stop thinking about was why she was all alone in the ocean on the day she met Marlin. In ‘Finding Dory,’ she will be reunited with her loved ones, learning a few things about the meaning of family along the way.

Finding Dory is expected in theatres 25 November 2015.

Spoilers: Star Trek Into Darkness Brings Back Some Old Enemies

SPOILER WARNING: The link below and the text beneath the jump contains spoilers for the upcoming film Star Trek Into Darkness.

Yahoo! is at it again, and it turns out that the new Star Trek film is going to be featuring some familiar faces–and no, we’re not talking about who Benedict Cumberbatch is playing, either.

Spoilers after the jump! Continue reading

Stuart Freeborn Passes Away at 98

Original trilogy makeup supervisor Stuart Freeborn has passed away at age 98.

Freeborn’s accomplishments in the film industry were remarkable, having worked on notable films such as 2001: A Space Oddysey and Superman. Perhaps most notably were his contributions to the original Star Wars trilogy. Many of the alien character designs you saw in places like the Mos Eisley cantina in A New Hope as well as Chewbacca were his creation.

Word on ‘Thor 2’: Marvel’s Phase 2 takes shape

avengersWarning: the links in this post contain spoilers for the movie.

Now that we’ve all enjoyed The Avengers, it’s time for Phase Two of Marvel’s grand plan to take over the world comic book movie-verse, and Yahoo! weighed in this morning with news from the sequel to Thor. Rather than sticking with elite Shakespearean director Kenneth Branagh, who directed the first movie, Marvel has chosen to go with Game of Thrones director Alan Taylor.

Investigating the Yahoo post shows that this is old news, according to Collider’s official synopsis. Still, with an even more incredible cast than the previous incarnation and Taylor directing, Thor: The Dark World looks like it’s going to be an incredible movie.

Thor: The Dark World will be released November 8, 2013.

Tosche Station’s Gratuitous 2012 in Review Linkdump

In January, Nanci and I started a podcast. In April, we spun that podcast off into a blog. All sorts of crazy things have happened since. Welcome to our gratuitous 2012 in Review Linkdump. As a note, thanks for bearing with us over the holidays as we took time to visit our friends and family. We’ll be back Wednesday with regular coverage and posts. Be sure to also check out Club Jade’s 2012 retrospective.

For our year-in-review, to the jump!

Continue reading

Gail Simone leaves Batgirl; Comics Weep

I don’t read a lot of comics. I never really have, but when a friend started me reading comics, she reached into her long box, pulled out a long run of Gail Simone’s Birds of Prey and said, “Here, read this. It’s awesome.”

I now have a long box full of Birds of Prey. But only as written by Gail Simone. When she left Birds of Prey, I read a few issues, then was so disgusted with the way the story was going, I gave up. That was okay, though. Because then she started writing Wonder Woman. And all of a sudden, Wonder Woman was interesting! She was more than the pontificating diplomat. I didn’t buy a lot of Wonder Woman because I’d hit that graduate school stage of broke, but I got copies however I could. And then she was back on Birds of Prey and all was right with my world. Yes, I read other Batfamily comics, but that was only to get the context of the rest of universe in which Birds of Prey existed.

Oh, wait. Then DC rebooted. And we were losing Oracle, who I loved, and who Simone wrote so incredibly well. We had a character who was disabled and who still kicked butt, and we were losing that little bit of diversity. But Simone was going to write Batgirl, so that soothed the soul a bit.

Until today, when we discovered that DC fired her from Batgirl, leaving their most well-known female writer out in the cold.

I don’t know what to make of this. The Wired article I linked above points out that DC’s had plenty of problems with gender issues of late. What I am, however, is incredibly disappointed, because the woman who got me–and a lot of other girls–into DC comics–and who kept me interested in them over the last ten years–is no longer associated with them, and I see no good reason for it.

I don’t have a lot of analysis for this, partly because I don’t have a lot of insight into DC’s internal workings right now. But this decision hit me right in the feels, and I can’t imagine I’m the only one. Gail, have you thought about writing Star Wars comics?

Tosche Station Radio #38: 2012 in Review – Geek Entertainment


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This week on Tosche Station Radio, the hosts are joined by staff writers Bria and Shane to discuss 2012’s geeky (non-Star Wars) entertainment!

Kicking off the show, Nanci highlights what’s new on the blog. Bria gave a tutorial on how to get into Marvel comics. Bria continued on the Waru Express with The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones era books. Fanwork Friday featured the Geek Art blog and Smuggler’s Gambit. Cosplay Monday featured the Hogwarts Founders and The Wampug (courtesy of Emily).Trope Tuesday featured Off With His Head. Emily revisited the Coruscant Craft Fairwith Star Wars snowflakes. In another edition of Brian gets his staff to write ridiculous blog posts, Bria made Star Wars/Disney mashup princesses.

This week in Fixer’s Flash, Nanci’s kept herself busy by finishing Nano and treating herself to a trip to Disney to ride Star Tours a few times. Brian’s been reading Mageworlds and the latest issue of Captain Marvel. Bria’s been going through her comic pull list and went to see Lincoln. She’s also been reading through Expanded Universe novels as well as Star Wars fanfic. Shane’s blasted through Redshirts by John Scalzi, read the new Dresden Files book, and has been playing a lot of League of Legends.

In Deak’s Dirt, we kick off with news that Rick McCallum retired from Lucasfilm. Don’t forget to pre-order Winner Lose All, a digital short story by Timothy Zahn that ties into Scoundrels. It’s only $1.99 and comes out December 10. Speaking of the EU, new Legacy comic! Lucas talks his role as creative consultant on Episode VII. As far as who’s directing Episode VII? We still don’t know. The Disney/Lucasfilm buyout was okayed by federal anti-trust regulators. There’s a new Star Trek Into Darkness poster. Harrison Ford showed up in an Ender’s Game picture.

Camie’s Concerns this week takes a look back at the year in geeky entertainment. 2012 had a number of highs (and lows) and the hosts, Shane, and Bria dive in to talk about the nerdy books, films, conventions, and comics this year has given us. The snark is high in this discussion!

Wrapping up the show, the hosts and guests answer questions from listeners in a segment we like to call Ask Us Anything.

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of Tosche-Station.net and a part of the Solo Sound network. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store or the Zune Marketplace. We can also be found on FacebookGoogle+, and Twitter.

Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of Tosche-Station.net. You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.

Jazz Pianist and Composer Dave Brubeck Passes Away at 91

Legendary jazz pianist and composer Dave Brubeck passed away today at 91. The above video is a live-recording of perhaps his greatest and most well-known tune, Take Five.

Here at Tosche Staiton, we bill ourselves as being home to all sorts of geeky discussion. I was a huge music geek growing up (and remain so to this day). His music was on regular rotation when I was in middle school and high school and was the reason I took up the saxophone and became a jazz musician.

Rest in peace, Mr. Brubeck. Soon as you get through those pearly gates, I hope Paul Desmond and Joe Morello track you down to jam.

The Way is Clear: Anti-Trust Regulators Okay Disney’s Lucasfilm Purchase, Netflix gets Disney subscription rights

Via Yahoo! today: The AP reports today that Federal anti-trust regulators have given the all-clear for Disney to buy out Lucasfilm. Disney’s stock prices closed up .02% on the news.

What is of other interest in Disney news is that Netflix has grabbed the subscription rights to Disney films, starting in 2016, also according to the AP, and The Wall Street Cheat Sheet notes that this includes movies from Pixar and Marvel. However, with Disney’s newest acquisition, a question might be whether or not movies from Lucasfilm will show up on Netflix as well.