Origins Day Four Recap: Q&A With Mike Stackpole

The last day at Origins was a brief one, mostly due to the fact that the convention wraps up a little after mid-day. In all, the whole affair was an enjoyable experience (after I figured out how their bizarre event ticketing system worked). While it seems a little odd to attend a game convention to talk to notable Expanded Universe authors, Origins turned out to be a fantastic place to discuss Star Wars with both notable figures and fans.

But beyond the games and the panels, it was a great chance to hang out with some cool people. I had the chance to chat things up with Tracy and the rest of the Club Jade folks as well Rachael from Galactic Drift. Hanging out with two good friends of mine (and using that as an excuse to see The Avengers for a seventh time) was a blast. I’m pretty sure I’ll be back next year. We’ll see if we can get Shane, Emily, and Nanci up here as well.

But enough rambling. Before heading off to the airport, I sat in on a Q&A with Mike Stackpole. Highlights below the jump!

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Origins Day Three Recap: More with Allston, Zahn, and Stackpole

Day three at the Origins Game Fair brings more discussions from Expanded Universe authors Timothy Zahn and Aaron Allston as well as a reading session from Mike Stackpole. No game recommendations today, but I’ll try and get back onto the dealer floor tomorrow to play test one more before heading home.

To the jump!

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Origins Day One Recap: Writing Advice, Mara’s Death, and a Whole Bunch of EU Goodness

The second half of the day brought all sorts of star Wars Expanded Universe goodness. Authors Timothy Zahn, Mike Stackpole, and Aaron Allston were on hand to discuss everything from the writing process to Star Wars. Highlights below the jump!

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Origins Day One – Morning Update

After getting through the adventure that was Origins Event Registration, I managed to actually get into the convention to do a bit of exploring. Some morning highlights from day one!

  • If you’re looking to relive your high school years (I know, hang with me here), you should look at a game called Rise of the Cliques. Select your personal clique, earn popularity points, and stab your friends in the back. What’s not to like? It’s actually a fairly amusing, quick to pick up game for 3-5 individuals. Very much a social game that allows you to form alliances or just resort to blatant deception. Fun game, quick rating of 3.5/5.
  • The exhibitor showroom is truly a sight to behold. Collectibles, all sorts of games being demonstrated. One of the coolest things I saw was a huge 32 inch touchscreen slate for dungeon masters that allows a lucky DM to quickly cycle through game notes, documents, and other useful features. If I had an extra chunk of change sitting around, I’d be sorely tempted to get one and start DMing again.
  • The most amusing find so far: The Vampire Diaries trading card game. There’s something here for everyone, folks.

Panels with authors begins at 1PM Eastern today, so stay tuned to our Twitter account for details from them. At 4PM will be a Star Wars EU panel with Timothy Zahn, Mike Stackpole, and Aaron Allston.

Origins Game Fair Coverage This Week

The Origins Game Fair in Columbus is this weekend and as it so happens, I’m going to be there. Keep an eye here on the blog and on our Twitter account for news, tidbits, and fun from the convention.

Notable guests in attendance include actors Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day. There’s also a host of great authors in the lineup such as Bryan Young, Timothy Zahn, Michael Stackpole and Origins Guest of Honor Aaron Allston. All of them will be holding reading sessions to show up new and upcoming books and will also be part of several panels throughout the event.