Rebels Review: A Fool’s Hope and Family Reunion – and Farewell

The end of an era. We here at Tosche Station have been watching and reviewing Star Wars Rebels since the very beginning which makes this series finale rather bittersweet. And so, one last time, we all sat down to take a look at these final two episodes: “A Fool’s Hope” and “Family Reunion – and Farewell”.

This is your first and only spoiler warning. Continue reading

Rebels Review: Wolves and a Door and A World Between Worlds

Let’s get this out of the way: I did not like last night’s episodes of Rebels. If you did, I am super happy for you, and you probably shouldn’t read this review.

I procrastinated on writing this review because I don’t enjoy disliking things about Star Wars. I have my preferences, and I admit I was biased against these two episodes of Rebels knowing there would be Mortis connections, but deep down I wanted to be wrong. I would much rather talk about things I enjoy rather than things I dislike.

There were things I liked about these episodes, and that’s probably why I’m so frustrated. The idea of the Empire wanting something with the Jedi Temple on Lothal is a solid plot. We know from Season 2 and Minister Tua that the Empire came to Lothal for a reason, and not just to build the TIE Defender. I can even accept a little bit of Force mysticism; perhaps the Lothal Temple was very strong in the Force, or amplified people’s powers, etc. etc. I enjoyed all the scenes with Sabine and the minister. I have been waiting for a scene like this since Thrawn joined the show — and to be honest, I’m a bit bummed we didn’t get that scene with Thrawn. I always love Palpatine, especially played by Ian McDiarmid. The animation was brilliant, especially the portal animation, which reminded me a lot of the Tale of the Three Brothers from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. Kevin Kiner’s music continues to be one of the best things about the series. The Ghost crew saving the day is always fun to watch. Continue reading

Kanjikast #1: We’re Not Exotic



This month on the Kanjikast, the hosts implore you to stop thinking of them as exotic window dressing for your fiction and discuss Sabine Wren’s impact on Star Wars and Asian representation in media.

Rebels Review: Kindred and Crawler Commanders

I own it. The Force mysticism threads that run through Rebels just don’t work for me.

When this series began, I was hopeful we’d be seeing more of the Rebel cells and grassroots resistance of the to the Empire. To be certain we’ve got that in chunks here and there, but so often this show just gets bogged down by asking questions about the Force that likely will never get answers. That’s certainly fine, but it worked better in The Clone Wars than it does in Rebels. At the very least, it worked better in the first couple seasons of Rebels than it works now. We came into season four with a setup that it’s finally time to see the Rebellion mustering. Every now and then we start getting glimpses that we’re going to finally see more of the early Rebel Alliance.

But then we get derailed to go on another trail to Mortis-up the Force again. What does any of this mean? Who knows, but here are some nifty visuals.

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Rebels Review: In the Name of the Rebellion

In its final season, Star Wars Rebels is clearly not messing around and follows up its double sized premiere with another hour-long episode. This week, the crew of the Ghost encounters Saw Gerrera again and his very not-Mothma-approved rebellious ways. They’re sent on a mission to repurpose a communications satellite that goes sideways very quickly and takes Ezra and Sabine on an adventure they definitely didn’t expect. Continue reading

Relationship Status with Mandalorians: It’s Complicated

When it comes to being a Mandalorian fan, I could probably be considered a late bloomer. I didn’t really find any appreciation for them until I was 16 and discovered the Republic Commando books. At the time, only the first two had been released but those two were all it took for me to fall in love with first this batch of clones and then with the Mandalorian culture that Karen Traviss created. When you’re a sucker for found family stories, it was hard not to. That was not, however, the Mandalore we saw first in The Clone Wars and that is now the official canon. While I’m not the sort to be a bitter Legends fan, I strongly believe the Star Wars universe is lesser for it. Continue reading

Holonet Blast #28

After last time’s flood of news, we get a little bit of a break in this Holonet Blast. Of course, there may be few items, but they are very relevant to our interests.

To start with, in response to a fan’s question, Rian Johnson declared The Last Jedi to be complete.

While we still have a few months to wait before seeing TLJ, we have less than a month before the premier Rebels‘ final season on October 16. The season 4 viewing schedule up until the holiday break is live and why must this show end????


Speaking of premiers, the new series ‘Science and Star Wars’ debuted this past Tuesday. The 10-episode series “will explore just how close we’ve come to realizing that technology, and take a look at the relationship between real-world science and Star Wars technology.” The first episode took on lightsabers and new episodes will air Tuesdays at 12:00 p.m. PT (3:00 p.m. ET). Star Wars is good. Science is good. Combining the two is good.

That’s it for this blast, except, of course, for me yelling about how by the time you read this a new Star Trek series will have aired its first episode holy Waru this is amazing! (Editor’s Note: We’ll allow the reference to that other Star Thing just this once.)

Tosche Station Radio #164: The Rebellion Pivot



This week on Tosche Station Radio, we recap the third season of Star Wars Rebels with Bria!

ALSO!  We have t-shirts now!

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store and Google Play. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.

This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and your support on Patreon!

Star Wars Rebels: Zero Hour – Liveblog Review

What happens when three Tosche Station staffers get together virtually to watch the Season 3 finale of Rebels? We do a live (written commentary), of course! Did we like it? Did we throw anything at the screen? Did we finally get another Space Married moment? Hit the break to find out!


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