Rebels is back! And so are our reviews!
To the jump
Star Wars, Geek Culture, and Power Converters
It’s another issue of Kanan but there’s no puppy dog padawan in sight. We’ve jumped forward in time again to rejoin the crew of the Ghost as they land on Kaller—the first time Kanan’s been back in over a decade. Overall, the issue is a fun read and a nice way to tie things back to the rest of the Rebels crew that we all know and love but I often found myself missing the Clone Wars era story about Kanan. There’s still so much that we don’t know about how Caleb really ended up becoming the Kanan that we met in A New Dawn.
One of the really fun things about this book is that Greg Weisman writes it in addition to having been an instrumental voice in creating Rebels. More than a few times, I silently marveled at how I could hear the voice actors reading the lines in my head and then subsequently chuckle at myself since obviously Weisman is going to have a damn good handle on who they all are.
Pepe Larraz takes a well-deserved break this issue and so we have Jacopo Camagni on art this week with colors by David Curiel. He draws a very nice Sabine and the colors of her hair stand out nicely without falling into anime territory thanks to Curiel’s good work. Camagni definitely seems to have fun with facial expressions and why yes, I do believe I caught a hint of puppy!Caleb in a panel or two.
At the end of the day, this was an enjoyable issue and a nice way to tie up Kanan’s history with everything that happened on Kaller. It’s definitely not an issue that you should skip simply because of the time jump. Your enjoyment level depends entirely upon personal taste. That said, I’m definitely looking forward to going back in time to the adventures of young Caleb… especially given the cover for issue #7!
From Dragon Con day two, it’s the Rebels fan panel. Panelists include Riley Blanton, Bethany Blanton, Brian Novicki, Bruce Gibson, and Bria LaVorgna. Thomas Harper moderates.
At the 58:30 mark, Vanessa Marshall joins the panel to answer questions!
If you don’t like gif reviews, I have some bad news for you. This is going to be another one of those. Kanan #4 by Greg Weisman and Pepe Larraz is out in stores today and, well, Caleb continues to be in a spot of trouble.
On this episode of Tosche Station Radio, Tom from Del Rey joins us to break down Star Wars Rebels: Siege of Lothal!
Kicking off the show, the hosts highlight What’s New on the Blog. Brian, Nanci, and Bria participated in a live chat for The Siege of Lothal.
In Fixer’s Flash, Nanci’s been busy reading Dark Disciple and finishing the last third of her own book. Both of the hosts went to Jurassic World. Tom? Well he got to go to an awesome geek wedding.
Deak’s Dirt starts with Rebels! The Episode Guide and Rebels Recon are up for The Siege of Lothal. More importantly, Beardwatch is back!
Biggs’ Bullshit kicks off with Greg Grunberg talking about The Force Awakens to Entertainment Weekly. Meanwhile, in an interview at the the Edinburgh International Film Festival, Ewan McGregor still says he’d been down for returning as Obi-Wan in an anthology film. According to Guinness World Records, The Force Awakens second trailer set a new world record as the most viewed movie trailer on YouTube within 24 hours, with 30.65 MILLION views.
This week on Camie’s Concerns, our friend Tom from Del Rey joins us to discuss the Rebels season 2 premiere! Settle in, get comfy, because we go in depth on this one!
Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of and a part of Majestic Giraffe Productions. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.
Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.
This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and .
Guess what: Kanan #3 is out this week and after taking a break to write a real review… yup, you guessed it. We’re reviewing in gifs again!
William from the Ion Cannon podcast joins us to break down what was learned about Rebels at Celebration!
Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of and a part of Majestic Giraffe Productions. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.
Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.
This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and .
Brian and I weren’t able to attend the Rebels panels at Celebration, but Bria was there covering for White Hot Room and a bunch of other Twitter/blogger/podcaster friends were also in attendance.
Not only did Celebration give us a taste of what’s to come in Season 2 in the form of a fabulous trailer, but some lucky folks also got to see the season premiere. No spoilers for the episode here, but we’ll do our best to recap the trailer and speculate about what we might see in Season 2.
On this episode of Tosche Station Radio, Tom from Del Rey joins us to discuss the inaugural season of Rebels!
Kicking off the show, the hosts highlight What’s New on the Blog. We reviewed Fire Across the Galaxy. Bria offered her Princess Leia #1 Review and discussed why Barriss Offee shouldn’t be an Inquisitor.
In Fixer’s Flash, Brian and Nanci adopted a new dog named Jade (to go along with Mara). Nanci also found time to read Princess Leia #1. Bria’s been costuming. Meanwhile, Tom went to PAX East.
Deak’s Dirt starts with awesome news on the Star Wars diversity front: Lords of the Sith will introduce the new canon’s first LGBT character. Meanwhile, has a preview of Kanan: The Last Padawan. JOURNEY TO THE FORCE AWAKENS was announced. There’s also a ton of articles/interviews about the season finale of Rebels. Dave Filoni talked to IGN, USA Today, and the Official Site. USA Today also spoke to Ashley about reprising Ahsoka. Finally, Sarah Michelle Gellar will be voicing a character in Season 2 of Rebels
This week in Camie’s Concerns, we talk all about the first season of Rebels. What did we enjoy in the finale, who were our favorite characters, and what are we looking forward to next season? Tune in to find out!
You can find Tom on Twitter with the handle @DarthInternous.
Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of and a part of Majestic Giraffe Productions. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.
Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.
This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and