ABC to air Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion

rebels logoIf you missed the original airing of Spark of Rebellion, don’t you fret. ABC will be re-airing it on Sunday, October 26th at 7PM. If you did see it already, well, you may still want to tune in. From the Official Site

The critically-acclaimed epic adventure Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion will air on ABC on Sunday, October 26 (7:00 p.m. ET/PT). Executive producer Dave Filoni states, “We wanted to do something special for the ABC broadcast. We’ve added a scene which gives audiences insight into the Inquisitor and includes a cameo by Darth Vader voiced by the distinguished actor James Earl Jones.

Emphasis added.

So who else is going to be watching the intro movie for the fourth time?

Tosche Station Radio #94: Star Wars Rebels Premiere Special


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Welcome to a special Tosche Station Radio! Bria joins the hosts this week for an hour-long roundtable review of Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion. This episode does contain numerous spoilers, so wait to listen to this episode if you’re avoiding them.

How did we rate the new show? Well, let’s say we’re pretty enthusiastic about it. Tune in to hear more!

Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.

This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and

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Review: Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion

rebels logoToday’s the day!  Star Wars Rebels officially premieres today and unsurprisingly, we here at Tosche Station have opinions about the first episode, Spark of Rebellion.  Earlier this week, we gave our brief, spoiler-free thoughts on the show and now it’s time for a much longer spoiler filled review.  We’re doing things a little bit differently this time though so read on for our roundtable review and discussion of the pilot! Continue reading

Spark of Diversity: What Sabine Wren Means for Star Wars

SabineWrenI’m an impatient person. I really thought that I could hold out until the official Rebels premiere on October 3rd but then they bumped the online release date up to Friday and… I watched it. Because I’m impatient person. I’ve known for a while now that I was excited for Rebels to start. It featured a family-like crew filled with characters who seemed right up my alley.

What I didn’t realize until I sat down on my couch to watch Spark of Rebellion is what seeing Sabine Wren on the screen was going to mean to me. Finally, after twenty-four years, there was a main character in a Star Wars film or television show that looked like me and the full impact of this hit me like a ton of bricks as she took her bucket off for the first time.

It’s not like I didn’t know that Sabine was going to be there. I was amongst those who loved Sabine’s character design from when they initially debuted it, wondered if she was human or alien, and then rejoiced when they confirmed that she was a human character of color. There’s been plenty of time for all of this information to sink in but somehow watching the episode made it seem so much more real to me.  Sabine Wren was the sort of character I’ve been waiting to see my entire life.  All of this brought forth a giant mess of emotions that are difficult to fully describe if you’ve been able to see a hero who looks like you in Star Wars before.

I wish that I’d been born later. I wish that I could’ve had the opportunity to watch Star Wars Rebels as a kid and see a teenage girl who looked like me up there on the screen. I wish that I could’ve had the opportunity at a younger age to watch an Asian woman be an integral part of our team of heroes with no one commenting on her race or gender as she blows things up to stop the enemy… artistically. I wish I’d been able to see a capable lady in the Star Wars universe who looks like me and who does more for the plot than serve as space scenery.  I wish I’d had that extra positive reinforcement that Sabine will give all these young girls out there.

At the same time though, I’m happy. Tiny explosion obsessed Bria may not have had Sabine to look up to but there are hundreds if not thousands of young girls of color out there who can now look at the television screen each week and smile as they watch her kick butt across the galaxy. Some of them may be conscious of how important she is and some may not but the important part is that she is there for them. My heart will probably grow two sizes when I see a little girl dressed up as Sabine and running around playing Rebels with her friends.  (Add in another size if I ever see a Sabine joined by other girls dressed up as Leia and Padmé.)

So thank you, Rebels. Thank you to everyone involved with creating this show and creating a character like Sabine and then casting an actress of color to voice her. Thank you Rebels for giving us an Asian human female hero who not only can hold her own but has more to her character than being action girl. Thank you for finally bringing a character like this to the forefront for hundreds and hundreds of young girls to look up to.

Sabine Wren’s not just the sort of character that we Star Wars fans deserve—she’s the sort of character that we need.

Rebels premiere film bumped up one day online

rebels logoOriginally, Rebels was set to premiere this coming Saturday online. Well, you’re going to be able to get your eyeballs on it 24 hours sooner. Per the Official Site:

As the force grows stronger and Star Wars fans become more eager for the debut of the animated television movie Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion, Disney XD has moved up the debut by three days, to Friday, September 26 for verified users of and the WATCH Disney XD app for smartphones, tablets and connected TVs.

The new date will give verified WATCH Disney XD viewers a seven-day exclusive window to watch Star Wars Rebels before the global television debut Friday, October 3 (9:00  p.m.,  ET/PT  in  the  U.S.) on Disney Channels around the world, ushering in the series beginning  Monday, October 13 (9:00 p.m., ET/PT) on Disney XD.

Mark your calendars.

Review: A New Dawn

new dawnIt’s a new day for Star Wars as A New Dawn by John Jackson Miller is released today.  Fans won’t have to wait a month to meet Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla.  But just how good is Miller’s latest foray into the Star Wars universe?  We’re off on an adventure to a remote planet to find out!

Gorse.  Not the best planet in the galaxy to visit but it’s home or at least a place where Kanan Jarrus has a job.  He’s just happy to avoid the Empire’s attention, fly his cargo, and have a couple of drinks at the end of the day.  But there are two newcomers to Gorse will change this: Count Vidian of the Empire and Hera Syndulla, a revolutionary with her own agenda.  Vidian’s plans have the potential to bring more terror and death to the far reaches of the galaxy.  How long can a former Jedi sit back before he must act?

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Go/No-Go: A New Dawn


Welcome back to Go/No-Go, Tosche Station’s regular feature where we offer our spoiler-free opinion as to whether or not you should spend your hard-earned money on a book, film, or other entertainment. Today on the launch pad: A New Dawn by John Jackson Miller. How does the first book of the new overarching canon and the tie-in to the forthcoming Rebels series hold up?  To mission control for the verdict!

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Tosche Station On Location: Farewell Clone Wars and Hello Rebels


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From Dragon Con, we’ve got panel audio from the Star Wars track’s Clone Wars and Rebels panel. The panelists include our own Bria, Amy Ratcliffe, Brian Nowicke of EUCantina, Riley and Bethany Blanton, and Tom Hutchins of the Mandolorian Mercenaries.

The panelists discuss their favorite moments and characters from the Clone Wars and preview what they’re looking forward to in Rebels.

Stay tuned for more panel audio!