The Choice is Yours If You’re Willing to Choose

Let’s go ahead and say this right off the bat: ‘Cool motive, still murder’ is the world’s biggest truth. I am not in any way, shape, or form excusing the truly horrible actions of some of my favorite characters. Bad things are still and always will be bad. However, how people find themselves on a darker path and what they choose to do about it is inherently fascinating and worth some further musings. This? Would be that musing.

For a long time now, I’ve thought a lot about the paths and lives of some of my favorite male characters in Star Wars. Specifically, I’ve been thinking about Del Meeko, Kylo Ren, and Armitage Hux who have all, at one point or another, found themselves on the bad guy side in a galaxy far, far away. One made a choice to be better, one fell to the dark side, and one never knew any other way in life. Their paths are uniquely their own, informed by their experiences, the worlds they were born into, and their choices. Continue reading

There Is Still Good In Him

“There’s good in him.  I know… I know there’s still…”  “There is still good in him.”  “I’ve got to save you.”

It’s not a stretch to say that redemption is a main theme of the Star Wars films and neither is it a stretch to say that the same theme continued through the Expanded Universe.  The story of someone’s fall to the dark and eventual redemption to the light has been repeated countless times throughout.  This is, afterall, a franchise built upon the story of the rise, fall, and redemption of Anakin Skywalker.

So why, in recent years, have we seen stories go against this?

I’m talking, of course, about Jacen Solo and also Vestara Khai.  How did we get to a point in the Star Wars universe where Luke Skywalker, Dark Side Redeemer Extraordinaire, isn’t consistently giving it his all to try and bring back his nephew or a young girl from the dark side?  But before we get there, let’s look back at redemption throughout the rest of the Star Wars Saga.

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