Even Timothy Zahn Hates the Catsuit

Here at Tosche Station, we hate Mara Jade’s catsuit. It’s completely inappropriate attire for an assassin/smuggler/Jedi, and not at all what she was described as wearing in the books. Brian and I have often wondered what Timothy Zahn, Mara’s creator, thinks about what has become her standard attire.

Well, last night, I discovered what might be an answer. Those of you who listen to the podcast know that I’m currently reading The Icarus Hunt, Zahn’s best non-Star Wars novel by far. About halfway through, I found this gem of a passage:

I wondered briefly if she could be Uncle Arthur’s information courier, but the skintight outfit she was wearing couldn’t have concealed a spare poker chip. At least, I thought incongruously, that also meant we didn’t have to worry about her being an assassin.

Well played, Mr. Zahn. Well played.

Replace the Catsuit: Art Entry from Beth

We’ve got another submission for the Replace Mara’s Catsuit contest. This art entry comes courtesy of Beth W.












(Click to enlarge)

I’ll let Beth describe this one for you:

My name is Beth, and this is my entry for the “Replace Mara Jade’s Catsuit” competition! Mara Jade and Luke have been my favorite Star Wars characters since my father passed his old and worn Timothy Zahn paperbacks down to me. She was confident, courageous and relentless, all good characteristics for the role model of a 6th grade girl to have. I am now a college student, and looking back I am confused and quite disturbed by “The Catsuit”. It does not serve Mara Jade at all and I could never see my heroine putting that on everyday. It’s too much. Mara’s wardrobe should be comfortable, useful, flattering (but not flashy), and simple. Here is what I always pictured Mara Jade in when I read my beloved books:

Her top is a bit loose, with buttons just under her elbows reigning in the thin fabric so it doesn’t get caught by anything. It is a muted shade of purple, the color of the lightsaber strapped to her waist. Over the top, she wears a khaki vest with black lapels, each featuring a single stripe of Rebel Alliance Orange around the borders. Her pants are just your average beat up khaki flight suit pants, tucked into her Jedi issue boots. At her waist is her weaponry belt, with a silver buckle very reminiscent of the one her husband wears. At her right hip is her blaster and lightsaber, and at her left hip is a carrying pouch and the stabilizing strap for the knife sheath that straps around her left thigh. She also wears a pouch on a cord around her neck. She has two small pockets in her vest and a large pocket on her right pants leg, and each zips closed to prevent loss of equipment. She also wears a pair of black fingerless gloves and ties a black headband low on her forehead to keep sweat and hair out of her eyes. Her hair is loosely braided and tucked under her left ear.

I wish I could send you a better picture, but I don’t have access to a scanner right now. I just took a picture of my pencil sketch with my camera. Thank you so much for this opportunity! It’s so nice to get to see Mara Jade being set free from the catsuit by some of her loyal fans!



Thanks Beth! Remember, you’ve got until August 15th to submit your entries.

EUC Interviews Scott Biel, Proves We’re Not Crazy

MUCH better.

It’s always nice to get a bit of vindication. As you might know, we’re running a contest that tasks you with replacing that gorram-awful leather catsuit artists are CONSTANTLY portraying Mara Jade in (seriously go check it out, we’ve already gotten some awesome submissions). Just yesterday, EUCantina posted an interview they conducted with Random House art director Scott Biel. One of the questions posed was quite relevant to what we’ve been up lately.

EUC: Mara Jade Skywalker is generally depicted wearing a catsuit. Why do you think that particular outfit is popular? If you could design a cover with a different outfit, what would Mara Jade wear instead?

SB: I’m not sure if it’s necessarily popular, but I feel it’s depicted like that because it’s become her de facto costume (similar to superhero costumes). On the paperback cover for Choices of One, Daryl Mandryk took the initiative and redesigned it in his illustration. By adding some armor and making the suit more functional it becomes a more practical interpretation.

(emphasis added)

See? SEE!? That catsuit is utterly impractical! Combat armor? That makes way more sense, and props to Scott and Daryl Mandryk for going ahead and portraying Mara that way.

To read the rest of the interview, head on over to EUC.

Replace the Catsuit: Art Entry from Blizz

Reader Blizz sent in a piece of artwork (and functional diagram!) for our Replace Mara’s Catsuit Contest. I have to say, I’m really digging this entry.

I’ll let Blizz describe it for you:

You want practicality? I offer an outfit that I tried to keep compatible with novel descriptions, Star Wars paraphernalia, and basic Stormtrooper and Jedi equipment.

I kept some elements of her “canon” appearance. The belt and knee pads, for instance. I did away with the shoulder harness. Why, oh why, is Mara always portrayed with a shoulder harness with no holsters? What is the point? What does it do?

Anyway, I think this fits a balance of traveling light but being prepared. Thank you for your consideration.

Ink on paper.
Digitally colored using GIMP

Thanks for sending this in!

For more information about the contest and to view the other entries, head to the contest page.

Replace the Catsuit: Costume Entry from Blizz

Over the weekend, we got our first costume entry for the Replace the Catsuit contest. This one comes from reader Blizz. She says that this outfit was based on Mara’s appearance at the end of The Last Command graphic novel.

Lightsaber? Functional yet good looking jacket? Coruscant background? Nanci and I talked about this entry on the latest podcast episode we recorded and we both agree, this costume is great.

Thanks for submitting, Blizz!

Replace the Catsuit: Art Entries from Victoria

We’ve got another pair of entries for the Replace the Catsuit contest! These come from Victoria and I’ll let her describe them for you.

The first picture (“Rogue Skywalkers”) is an illustration of Mara and Luke in Rogue pilot fatigues heading to/from their star fighters. I knew Mara was a talented pilot and even though she was probably not of Luke’s caliber, I’m sure the two of them had plenty of flights with one chasing the other, trying to prove which one of them was the best. And even though I don’t think she was ever officially a part of the Rogues, it’s hard for me to think that the members of the Squadron would not consider her at least an honorary member. 

The second picture (“Formal Jedi Gown”) came to mind when I thought of Mara being the type of woman who didn’t mind being a girl and wearing pretty gowns every once in a while. This dress would be something she would wear if she needed to attend a formal event as a Jedi – not necessarily in her robes or flight suit – and she wanted to impress others. Also, it could be something she would have worn to her Jedi wedding in the comic “Union” (I know, she’s wearing something different in the illustration, but this is my vision haha) when she and Luke had their private wedding. 

Thanks for submitting these, Victoria! I dig both of them, but I really love the flightsuit.

We’ll have another entry up tomorrow morning. Remember, you’ve got until August 15th to submit costumes and art for the contest.

Replace the Catsuit: Art Entry from Gorram Girl

We’ve got the first entry for the Replace the Catsuit Contest! Gorram Girl checks in with a lovely piece of fanart.

Now doesn’t this look way more functional than a banthahide catsuit? Love the jacket. Really, really dig the headscarf.

Thanks for submitting this entry! And remember, the new deadline to help costumers out is August 15th. That should give you plenty of time to get something put together for the late summer convention season.