REVIEW: Resistance Reborn (Audiobook)

Audiobooks aren’t my usual means by which to consume media but when presented with the opportunity to get an early copy of Rebecca Roanhorse’s newest gift to the Star Wars universe, I jumped at the chance. In fact, my response to the possibility was just the word “WANT” in all caps in response to the offer.

I am happy to report this book did not disappoint.

It was, indeed, a gift. But maybe not one I should have turned on while driving in Seattle rush hour. Continue reading

Review: Resistance Reborn

If I had to describe Resistance Reborn by Rebecca Roanhorse in one gif, it would be this one:

Resistance Reborn picks up mere days after The Last Jedi ends. The Resistance is in shambles and able to fit entirely upon the Millennium Falcon plus a few starfighters. No one responded to Leia’s call for help but hope still remains. She’s been fighting for freedom for a long time and there are still some favors she can call in. The First Order hasn’t won yet and Leia Freaking Organa’s not about to let them. Continue reading

TSR #211: Resistance Reborn Reviewed



This week on TSR the hosts are joined by Bria to review Resistance Reborn by Rebecca Roanhorse. This episode does feature in-depth discussion and spoilers!

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Nanci and Brian are the co-founders of and the Tosche Station Network. You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.

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Go/No-Go: Star Wars: Resistance Reborn

nasa-mission-control-3Welcome back to Go/No-Go, Tosche Station’s regular feature where we offer our spoiler-free opinion as to whether or not you should spend your hard-earned money on a book, film, or other entertainment. Today on the launch pad: Star Wars: Resistance Reborn. This is author Rebecca Roanhorse’s first foray into the galaxy far, far away and she has no easy task with such a large cast of characters especially since it’s one of the first major stories set between The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker. How’d this story of a Resistance in desperate need of people fare? To mission control for the verdict! Continue reading

Holonet Blast #126

Hello, friends! We’re still a week out from Resistance Reborn by Rebecca Roanhorse, but last week Del Rey whetted our appetites with a new excerpt via io9. This one features our favorite pilot, Poe Dameron, as he tracks down Maz Kanata (my cat’s namesake) at, of all places, a spa. Because why the hell not? Poe’s hair can’t possibly stay that pretty on its own, right?

Last week we mentioned that Disney + tweeted out all the movies and shows you’ll be able to watch on the streaming platform. And for some Verizon customers, you can watch all that content for free! Verizon will be offering 12 months of Disney + to 4G LTE and 5G unlimited wireless customers, along with new Verizon FIOS and 5G home internet customers. As someone who has FIOS internet (not through Verizon, for transparency’s sake), I will say if you’ve been waiting on updating your internet service, you will never look back after upgrading to those blazing speeds. Plus, free Disney +!

In news that surprises no one, but is still nice to have confirmation nonetheless, the Disney Parks blog announced that yes, Star Tours will be updated with new modules for The Rise of Skywalker. This is great news as most of the Star Wars focus at the parks has been on Batuu, and Star Tours is still such a great ride, I’m glad it’s not being neglected. The Starspeeder 1000 will take guests to the ocean moon of Kef Bir (where the Death Star ruins are located – presumably another moon of Endor or at least in the same system?), as well as a location yet to be determined. Color me interested! The new modules will debut on December 20, the release day of The Rise of Skywalker.

Oh, and speaking of The Rise of Skywalker…I guess we got the final trailer and tickets went on sale? Not sure if that interests anyone here. But I thought I’d mention it.

Kidding! Of course that’s the biggest news of the past week. We already broke down the trailer on Tosche Station Radio, which you can download on all your favorite podcatching apps. In case you have not yet bought tickets, Star Wars dot com has the scoop on special events and giveaways associated with different theatre chains. And, because why not, here’s another look at the trailer itself. See y’all next week!