The Higgs Boson All But Confirmed

In a coup for modern physics, scientists at CERN believe they have found proof of the Higgs Boson. While rumors have been abounding about this possible discovery of late, the Daily Mail just brought out a report last night that CERN is very close to having definitive proof (definitive being the difference between 99.99% sure and 99.99995% sure–semantics for most of us).

The Higgs Boson is probably the best definition for the Force–it very literally is what binds the universe together.

Transporters, yea or nay?


Any geek who has ever been on a multi-hour road trip has at some point banged their head against the headrest and asked “Why hasn’t someone invented teleporters yet?”

I stumbled across a nice little article on Yahoo, linked from LiveScience that, while dashing our hopes for teleportation any time soon, has some pretty cool information on the quantum information teleportation that scientists can currently do, and theorizes that Star Trek-type transporting may be a matter of wormholes in the future. (The explanation of why we can’t use teleporters could be a plausible retcon explanation of why Star Wars is missing this piece of technology?)