Holonet Blast #28

After last time’s flood of news, we get a little bit of a break in this Holonet Blast. Of course, there may be few items, but they are very relevant to our interests.

To start with, in response to a fan’s question, Rian Johnson declared The Last Jedi to be complete.

While we still have a few months to wait before seeing TLJ, we have less than a month before the premier Rebels‘ final season on October 16. The season 4 viewing schedule up until the holiday break is live and why must this show end????


Speaking of premiers, the new series ‘Science and Star Wars’ debuted this past Tuesday. The 10-episode series “will explore just how close we’ve come to realizing that technology, and take a look at the relationship between real-world science and Star Wars technology.” The first episode took on lightsabers and new episodes will air Tuesdays at 12:00 p.m. PT (3:00 p.m. ET). Star Wars is good. Science is good. Combining the two is good.

That’s it for this blast, except, of course, for me yelling about how by the time you read this a new Star Trek series will have aired its first episode holy Waru this is amazing! (Editor’s Note: We’ll allow the reference to that other Star Thing just this once.)