SDCC 2014: Rebels and Books

Two days down of San Diego Comic-Con and we’re already rolling in Star Wars news.  Well sort of.

Last night was the Rebels panel that featured the main cast along with Dave Filoni.  You can read’s liveblog of the event here.  While we didn’t get the official release date for Rebels (groan!), we did learn a few things.  The cast agrees that Vanessa Marshall is the biggest Star Wars fan out of all of them although apparently Freddie Prinze Jr. makes all the Force motions while recording.  The show will definitely be embracing the idea of this crew as a family and bringing in some comedy; both concepts they’re taking from the Original Trilogy.  Another point of note from the panel is that Filoni made mention of establishing a hierarchy of villains so if Darth Vader shows up, people should definitely be running.  Also, Rebels will be much more of a contained story than the Clone Wars as they won’t be jumping from character to character and creating new locations each week.

In addition to showing several clips from the show, they also debuted a second brand new trailer which you can watch below.

The Star Wars Books panel just wrapped up and needless to say, the highlight was the new book announcement.  Christie Golden will be penning a novel about Asajj Ventress and Quinlan Vos.  The book is due out in Summer 2015 and is taken from a plot line for the intended Season 7 of The Clone Wars.

asajj vos

As for the rest of the panel, it was moderated by Vanessa Marshall and there was a lot of discussion about John Jackson Miller’s forthcoming A New Dawn.  Vanessa has apparently read the book already and said it gave her a lot of insight into Hera.  Tarkin will be, as expected, akin to James Luceno’s Darth Plagueis and will take place very close to Revenge of the Sith.  Heir to the Jedi was described as a character study of Luke Skywalker and Lords of the Sith was dubbed “kind of a Vader/Palpatine road trip novel” by Jen Heddle.  You can read the rest of the live blog of the panel by the main site here.  I’d particularly suggest that readers take note of their comments about the newly minted Legends books.

If you’re looking for comic news though… well that’ll be dropping tomorrow during Marvel’s Cup of Joe Panel.  You’ve been warned.

New Ahsoka, Expanded Universe merch debuting at SDCC

Ashoka and Expanded Universe fans are in for a treat courtesy of Her Universe. In an e-mail that went out earlier this morning, fans were notified that new shirts are incoming!

It’s July… so that means only one thing…San Diego Comic Con! Get ready for exclusives, new merchandise, and exciting conversations! Her Universe will be at Comic-Con in full force and we hope to see you there! We’ll have a booth in the Star Wars Pavilion (#2913-F) at SDCC, providing fans with a unique experience. We’ll have all new merchandise for Star Wars, Doctor Who, The Walking Dead, Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica. We’ll also be debuting new Star Wars designs every day. 500 Return of the Jedi necklaces will debut on Wednesday, 100 Dave Filoni designed “Ahsoka’s Choice” shirts on Thursday, 100 Jaina Solo shirts on Friday and 100 Mara Jade shirts on Saturday. Each Jaina Solo and Mara Jade shirt will come with a free book courtesy of Del Rey publishing! Lots going on, plus a Her Universe panel! Read about it here. For those NOT going to San Diego Comic Con, do not fear! You can celebrate SDCC from home…all of the merchandise (except the ROTJ necklace), plus more, will go on sale on our website on July 18th. There is Comic-Con love for all!

Best Wishes,


And just what do these new shirts look like? Here you go.

New HU releases


That’s right. A Jaina shirt based on the Sword of the Jedi promotional art and a Mara Jade shirt using the Choices of One paperback art. Finally, a Mara shirt that doesn’t feature the catsuit!

These new items (except the RotJ necklace) are available on the Her Universe website starting July 18th.

Amy Ratcliffe Covers ‘The Clone Wars’ Panel at SDCC

Today’s big Star Wars event at San Diego Comic Con was a Clone Wars panel with Dave Filoni. While we couldn’t be there, we’re all fortunate that all-around awesome person Amy Ratcliffe was on hand to live-tweet the big stuff. She’s been kind enough to let us compile her coverage for the blog, so go say thank you by giving her a follow on Twitter!

Spoilery TCW goodness below the jump!

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Tosche Station Radio #23: Fan Convention


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After a week off, the hosts are back and feeling extra tangent-y as they talk about conventions on this episode of Tosche Station Radio!

Kicking off the show, the hosts highlight what’s new on the blog. Nanci reviewed Wraith Squadron and Iron Fist as part of Tosche Station’s ongoing summer X-Wing retrospective. Shane reviewed Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, the novel. We asked, and you delivered: the future of Star Wars at San Diego Comic Con. Emily recapped her trip to Fandom Fest. Finally, we’re starting a grassroots effort to get the release date of Scoundrels pushed up a week.

In Fixer’s Flash, Nanci’s been busy reading Janine Spendlove’s latest book, War of the Seasons: The Half-Blood. She’s helping to prepare for a Wizard Rock concert. What’s Wizard Rock? Stay tuned and you’ll find out! Brian’s still reading Mageworlds, but mostly he’s lamenting his poor decision to stack college and work at the same time.

Deak’s Dirt brings casting updates from Catching Fire. The Dramatis Personae for Mercy Kill was released by Random house, along with a new excerpt featuring Myri Antilles. They also released the cover blurb for Scoundrels. Not content with just that, Random House also wants to record your fan fiction, and the hosts go on a tangent as a result.

In this week’s Camie’s Concerns, the hosts are tackling two topics. First off, they offer advice for those attending Celebration VI and Dragon*Con this year. Later in the segment, they discuss what future Expanded Universe books they expect to hear announced from San Diego Comic Con this week as well as what listeners and readers are hoping to have announced.

For Wormie’s Works, Nanci highlights Wizard Rock group The Whomping Willows and Brian links to EUCantina’s contest to raise awareness for children’s literature.

The hosts round out the show by answering questions from listeners and discussing the Trope of the Week: Genre Savvy.

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of and a part of the Solo Sound network. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store or the Zune Marketplace. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree

Science to show Firefly Reunion

Can’t make it to the Firefly Reunion panel at SDCC? That’s okay–the Science channel will be airing a special so we can all enjoy on Sunday, November 11th. It’s hard to believe that it’s been ten years since we first went into the black, but Browncoats Unite will be the capstone to the Science Channel’s 10-year anniversary celebration of this Joss Whedon classic.


Get Your Mugshot Taken With Han Solo

For those of you lucky enough to be in attendance at San Diego Comic Con and have a camera on them, you can get yourself a rather nifty photo op. The folks at Del Rey and Star Wars Books have put together a Scoundrels lineup stand. You, too, can get your official prison photo with Han, Chewie, and Lando.

And for those of you who will be at Celebration VI…

Future of Star Wars at SDCC: What Do You Want To See?

San Diego Comic Con is next week and the future of the Star Wars Expanded Universe hangs in the balance! Well. Not really. But drama is fun. Sometimes.

Over on Twitter, we asked you to tell us what you’re hoping or expect to have announced to continue the Post-Return of the Jedi Expanded Universe. If you have a suggestion (serious or snarky, we’re not picky), just reply to the tweet below and we’ll add you to this post!

Your suggestions below the jump!

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Expanded Universe Convention Swag Roundup

To those of you going to all of the major conventions this year, I am both jealous of you and insanely curious as to how you can afford it. If you are that lucky, you’ll be able to pick up some rather nifty swag from the lovely folks with Star Wars Books. First up, how about some Scoundrels bookmarks?

These bookmarks will be available at SDCC, NYCC, and Celebration VI, but there’s a catch. Only Han, Lando, and Chewie’s bookmarks will be at all three. If you’re at SDCC, you can pick up the Winter bookmark. NYCC goers can snag Bink Kitik, while Celebration VI attendees can get Kell Tainer and Zerba Cher’dak.

Attendees at all three conventions will also be able to pick up an 84-page book of excerpts containing bits from all of Del Rey’s 2012 Star Wars books. Also available, an X-Wing: Mercy Kill iron-on patch.

If your’e at any one of these conventions, keep your eyes out for Del Rey’s convention handouts!