Review: Star Wars #7

If you came into this issue expecting to find out just what the heck is up with Han Solo having a wife, that’s too bad because this issue is all about Obi-Wan Kenobi. Jason Aaron and Simone Bianchi take a break from the action to travel back in time to years before A New Hope when Obi-Wan’s still becoming the crazy old hermit and Luke Skywalker’s just a little boy.

First things first though: what nerd at Marvel lettered the credits page entirely in Aurebesh? Because you, you beautiful nerd, are a wonderful human being.

Using the journal as a framing device was a simple yet great idea to allow Aaron and company to go back in time so they can use a character like Obi-Wan Kenobi and it’s one that I hope they use again in the future from time to time. Like Kenobi before them, Star Wars #7 brings the story down to a far smaller level and makes it about the characters. Is there a plot line? Sure but that’s not as important as the journey that Obi-Wan is going through as he continues to adjust to this life as Ben Kenobi. It’s also about him figuring out how to be at peace with being a Jedi to his core and also remaining in hiding where he can protect Luke.

On the art front, this is our first issue without John Cassaday and Marvel chose wisely. Bianchi was a great choice for this issue as his style is a perfect fit for Tatooine. He also draws an absolutely adorable young Luke Skywalker. I’d love to see more of Bianchi’s artwork in the Star Wars universe in the future especially if they continue to do the occasional Kenobi one-off.

Bottom line? Aaron-Bianchi-Kenobi are a winning combination in my book.

Star Wars #7 gets a 5/5 from me this week for a simple yet enjoyable one-shot story about the one and only Master Kenobi.