Spoilers: Star Trek Into Darkness Brings Back Some Old Enemies

SPOILER WARNING: The link below and the text beneath the jump contains spoilers for the upcoming film Star Trek Into Darkness.

Yahoo! is at it again, and it turns out that the new Star Trek film is going to be featuring some familiar faces–and no, we’re not talking about who Benedict Cumberbatch is playing, either.

Spoilers after the jump! Continue reading

Rumor/Spoiler: EW accidentally leaks Star Trek 2 villain identity?

Benedict-Cumberbatch-Star-Trek-Into-DarknessBelieve it or not, it’s a rumor that has nothing to do with Star Wars. We’ve all been wondering for months now, with breath just a little more baited after the Super Bowl teaser trailer…just who is Benedict Cumberbatch playing in Star Trek: Into Darkness?

Well, it turns out that Entertainment Weekly may have just accidentally let this carefully kept cat right out of the bag. According to The Atlantic Wire, as EW was working on updating their back issue pages, someone put a descriptor on the page.

So who is it? We won’t say right here, but if you’re ready for the big reveal, there be spoilers after the jump.

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A Trekkie on why J.J. Abrams Is Good for Star Wars

220px-J.J._Abrams_by_David_ShankboneNow that the official confirmation has come down from on high, Bria and I have made an executive decision: Brian and Nanci are never allowed to go on vacation again. We are simply not equipped to deal with breaking news.

That said, this analysis probably would have been my responsibility anyway. Being one of the resident Trekkies on staff, I’m in the position to pick apart how J.J. Abrams performs when given an existing sci-fi franchise, and personally, I feel rather optimistic about this turn of events.

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Why I Like Science Fiction, by A Woman

This weekend, a Tumblr post appeared on my dash, about the 2009 Star Trek movie. Apparently, during the initial planning meetings, the writers asked themselves how to get women to go see this movie.


Women don’t like sci-fi, get it?

I read this and, understandably, got angry. Why, in 2013, do people still labor under the idea that women don’t like sci-fi? That sci-fi is something for only men to enjoy? That men must somehow trick women into seeing sci-fi movies by inserting story elements that appeal to them?

This is a famous science fiction writer saying this, by the way, not some Joe Schmoe nobody’s ever heard of. Go Google Damon Lindelof if you don’t know who he is. I’ll wait. Now that you know his credentials, one would think that he’s been around long enough not to fall into that old “women don’t like sci-fi” trap, right?

Apparently not.

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New Her Universe Gear Coming on Cyber Monday

Need to do some holiday shopping for the women in your life, or just looking to buff up your  own geeky wardrobe? Luckily for you, Her Universe is here to save the day! Yesterday the company previewed their new holiday items, which include two Doctor Who tees, a Star Wars v-neck shirt (the same style shirt as the Mara Jade exclusive from Celebration, which fits so very well), a Star Trek tee, a Battlestar Galactica sweatshirt, and last but not least, Darth Vader pajamas designed by Katie Cook!

How cute are they?? Katie did an awesome job.

You can purchase all of these items starting Cyber Monday (November 26). Even better, there are two exclusives for orders placed on that day only: every order will receive a free Chewbacca holiday pin, and all orders within the United States are eligible for free ground shipping.

And in news very relevant to readers of this blog, Ashley Eckstein teased on Twitter that Her Universe is in the process of designing a Rogue Squadron dress and tank top! No word yet on when we might see those released, but you can be sure I’ll be first in line to get them.

You can see all of Her Universe’s new holiday items here.

Upcoming Her Universe Releases

The wonderful Ashley Eckstein was a guest on this week’s episode of Tosche Station Radio and shared with us some pretty great new products that you can look forward to from Her Universe in the near future.

Starting this Monday, Her Universe will be releasing a new Halloween bag for 2012.  This year’s design, once again by Katie Cook, will feature Darth Vader in a unicorn costume.  (Yes, you read that correctly!)  He will have all of the candy and will be saying “I find your lack of candy disturbing” to several costumed yet candyless stormtroopers.   Also available this Monday will be the Ahsoka Tano costume top in adult sizes (Small through 3X) and a brand new Spock costume top.

The next upcoming product doesn’t yet have a release date yet but will be a Hot Topic exclusive so keep an eye out for a TARDIS dress!

Finally, Ashley let us in on a new product for the holidays that will be released for Cyber Monday.  You will now be able to purchase Her Universe pajamas!  These are another Katie Cook design and will be a pair of flannel pants with little Darth Vaders on them and a top that will picture Darth Vader with bunny slippers and a coffee mug and saying “I woke up on the dark side of the bed.”  The holiday pin will also make its return and this year’s design will feature Chewbacca.