Review: Star Wars Rebels: Breaking Ranks

rebels logoRebels gives its viewers a chance to catch their breath this week after a heck of a brutal ride the episode prior. Breathing doesn’t mean the creators slacked in any way shape or form though with this week’s episode: Breaking Ranks.

The Ghost is already taking advantage of Ezra’s young age as they send him undercover into the Lothal Imperial Academy as a stormtrooper cadet. Hera and Kanan remain aboard the Ghost while Zeb and Sabine are the backup boots on the ground as Ezra tries to steal an essential decoder. Lucky for him, he discovers an ally in a fellow cadet, Zare Leonis who definitely has his own agenda at the Academy.

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Why Alderaan Needs To Be In Rebels

Or to title this piece more accurately: Why Alderaan, Queen Breha, Leia Organa, and Winter Need To Be In Rebels Too And Bail Organa Needs To Be In It More

Bail Organa in Star Wars Rebels

Bail Organa in Star Wars Rebels

As the fandom well knows by now, the second episode of Star Wars Rebels ended with a cameo from the one and only Bail Organa, Senator and Prince Consort of Alderaan. This was definitely a great sign for both fans who want to see existing film characters make it into the new show and for fans who want to see other parts of the fledgling rebellion. But hey! Why stop there? We need tons more of Alderaan and the characters who hail from that beautiful planet. Why? I’m so glad you asked.

It gives viewers and fans a sense of familiarity
While we’ve only actually had the chance to visit Alderaan on the screen very briefly, it’s been one of the Star Wars planets that we’ve known the longest. Likewise, Princess Leia was one of the first characters that we met back in 1977 and she’s one of those characters that fans still love passionately to this day. Visiting Alderaan and seeing a young teenage Princess Leia would be an easy way for Rebels to make the show feel even more familiar to fans. After all, what sort of character could be more Star Wars than a Skywalker?

It’s a chance to recanonize some aspects of the Expanded Universe
As of the now, the Queen of Alderaan doesn’t actually have a canon name.* She wasn’t named in either the film or novelization of Revenge of the Sith and didn’t appear in the Clone Wars. If she were to appear in Rebels and be officially named Queen Breha, that would be fantastic. After all, it’s hard to run a planet and probably secretly fund a rebellion when you don’t have a name.

*This was discussed amongst the blogosphere on Twitter several months ago. If we missed something, please let me know.

More than just names could be recanonized though. Having a young white-haired girl standing by Leia’s side in Rebels would go a long way towards making Expanded Universe fans hopeful about seeing some of their favorite characters again. Winter’s backstory was already retconned to fit with the prequels and most of her story comes from beyond the Original Trilogy which means writers wouldn’t have much trouble making it work. Quite frankly, she’s a pretty useful person to have around. Most people wouldn’t give a 14 year old girl a second look much less suspect her of silently remembering everything that she says and hears. Basically she’s the perfect person to have involved in a rebellion. Also she’s one of my favorite characters so pleeeeeeease bring her back.

Finally, there are opportunities outside of the Royal family for recanonizing aspects of the Expanded Universe. I suspect that no one would loudly object if there were a sly mention of Novacom… And if the showrunners want to make Sabé going to Alderaan and tutoring Leia more than just a Legend, I certainly won’t object. Continue reading

Review: Star Wars Rebels – “Rise of the Old Masters”

rebels logo“Rise of the Old Masters” was most anticipated episodes of Star Wars Rebels yet and it did not disappoint. The atmosphere, dialogue, and storyline are so reminiscent of the darker aspects of the Original Trilogy, and it’s clear the creators know exactly what tone to create when it comes to more serious episodes. There’s not much that can be said about it without delving into spoiler territory, so to the cut!

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Go/No-Go: Star Wars Rebels: Servant of the Empire: Edge of the Galaxy

nasa-mission-control-3Servants of the Empire: Edge of the Galaxy is the first installment in a new young reader tie-in series to Star Wars Rebels. Told from the perspective of a teenage boy named Zare Leonis, it chronicles his final year in AppSci school before following his sister Dhara to the Imperial Academy on Lothal.

Jason Fry is no stranger to writing Star Wars, and he does a great job with Zare’s character arc. Zare starts out the story a teenage boy whose only concerns are succeeding in grav-ball and proving himself to be just as good as his sister, but due to the year’s events he starts to question the Empire he’d basically been born to serve. It gives a good insight into what causes some people to want to rebel against the Empire, and why others would be more resistant to speaking out. Despite it being set in a different universe, it’s a very relatable issue.  Do you do what you feel is right and in the process risk your life and the lives of your loved ones, or do you keep quiet about wrongdoings and not cause any trouble? It’s easy to say what you’d do in that situation until you’re actually in it. And Zare’s problems start small, from issues with a school administrator, but eventually become much larger than he could ever imagine.

One thing I found interesting is that the Imperial Academy was actually located on Lothal, and not on a more populated world. I always had the impression from A New Hope that there was just one Academy, but upon reflection I realize that would be unrealistic in a universe as big as Star Wars. It makes me wonder which Academy Biggs attended, and which one Luke would have gone to.

SotECoverEdge of the Empire has great little nods to the Legends EU, including mentions of caf, hot chocolate, and use of the swear words stang and kriffing. I was also glad that Dhara mentioned women going through stormtrooper training at the Academy. Fry also invents a new sport called grav-ball, which is a combination of soccer, football, basketball, and Quidditch (the sport in Harry Potter, for all you Muggles out there). I’m not a huge sports fan, but those scenes were well-written and tied into the plot and Zare’s character arc very well.

If you’re a fan of Rebels, definitely pick this up. Don’t be put off that its meant for younger audiences. It’s a fun, fast read and does a great job at depicting everyday life in the Galaxy Far, Far Away. And, as I’m sure was the intention, I’m now really looking forward the Academy episodes of Rebels–not to mention the future installments in the Servants of the Empire series. This book gets a GO from me.

Review: Star Wars Rebels: Fighter Flight

rebels logoFighter Flight is a pretty self-contained bottle episode. That in and of itself is pretty unremarkable. What is remarkable, however, is that it was a bottle episode that was thoroughly entertaining and fun. If this is what Rebels is going to do with even episodes that may not have the biggest bearing on the overarching story, we’re in for a great ride.

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ABC to air Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion

rebels logoIf you missed the original airing of Spark of Rebellion, don’t you fret. ABC will be re-airing it on Sunday, October 26th at 7PM. If you did see it already, well, you may still want to tune in. From the Official Site

The critically-acclaimed epic adventure Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion will air on ABC on Sunday, October 26 (7:00 p.m. ET/PT). Executive producer Dave Filoni states, “We wanted to do something special for the ABC broadcast. We’ve added a scene which gives audiences insight into the Inquisitor and includes a cameo by Darth Vader voiced by the distinguished actor James Earl Jones.

Emphasis added.

So who else is going to be watching the intro movie for the fourth time?

Rebels gets order for second season

rebels logoBefore even one episode of Star Wars Rebels aired, Disney has ordered a second season of the new animated series set in the Galaxy Far, Far Away. From the official site:

One day ahead of a highly-anticipated television premiere, Disney Channels Worldwide President and Chief Creative Officer Gary Marsh announced plans to produce a second season of the animated series Star Wars Rebels from Lucasfilm.

Marsh said, “The global expectations for this series could not have been any higher. And I am proud to say that the team at Lucasfilm has delivered something that has surpassed even that incredibly high bar – artistically and thematically.”

Star Wars Rebels has received acclaim from critics and fans alike since its advance debut screening at San Diego Comic-Con in July, followed by special previews this week on WATCH Disney XD and other digital platforms. Star Wars Rebels will be introduced via a television movie, Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion, premiering Friday, October 3 (9:00 p.m., ET/PT) on Disney Channel in the U.S. and Monday, October 6 (8:00 p.m., ET/PT) on Disney XD in the U.S.  It ushers in the series beginning Monday, October 13 (9:00 p.m., ET/PT) on Disney XD in the U.S.  The series will air in 34 languages across 163 countries in over 400 million households.

“We all love making ‘Rebels,’ so we couldn’t be happier that it’s moving into a second season,” says Lucasfilm VP of Creative Development, Kiri Hart.  “Our fantastic creative team is dreaming up new stories for the crew of the Ghost that will expand their experience of the galaxy and deepen their heroes’ journeys. The fan response to the show has been amazing, humbling and inspiring. We’re looking forward to the adventure ahead.”

Curiously though, the press release also includes this:

The creative team behind the second season of Star Wars Rebels includes Executive Producers Simon Kinberg and Dave Filoni, and Co-Executive Producer and Supervising Writer Henry Gilroy.

Absent from that list is Greg Weisman. It’s currently not clear if he’s no longer involved with the show. If that’s the case, it would be disappointing for numerous fans who enjoyed his other projects.

Still, it is good to see Disney putting their faith into Rebels. Not all shows are fortunate enough to be renewed, especially this early on. Those who have seen the premiere film early online (including us) have been generally positive. I’m glad that the showrunners have the security of two seasons to craft what they want to do and make the case for even more.

Go/No-Go: Star Wars Rebels – Spark of Rebellion


Welcome back to Go/No-Go, Tosche Station’s regular feature where we offer our spoiler-free opinion as to whether or not you should spend your time and hard-earned money on a book, film, or other entertainment.

This time around it’s a little different. Normally when we do this feature, we’re telling you whether or not a complete product is worth diving into. For this, we’re reviewing the first installment of a brand new television series: Star Wars Rebels. Today we’ll be letting you know if we think this show is worth getting on board for and tuning in every week. To the cut!

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Rebels to Premiere in the US on October 3

HeraHooray! The Official Site has finally announced the premiere date of Star Wars Rebels. The one-hour movie, Spark of Rebellion, will air on October 3 at 9:00 p.m. on the Disney Channel. The regular series episodes will air Monday at 9:00 p.m. on Disney XD, beginning October 13.

Fans will also be able to purchase Spark of Rebellion via iTunes, Amazon Prime, Google Play, and Disney XD VOD on October 4, with the DVD available on October 14.