Resistance Review: A Quick Salvage Run

Will someone please just treat Tam Ryvora with the love and respect that she deserves and not lie to and manipulate her? Please? Someone? Anyone?

This week’s episode of Star Wars Resistance, “A Quick Salvage Run”, picks up quite soon after the previous one. The Colossus is rapidly running out of supplies including coaxium. They have just enough to make the hyperspace jump to D’Qar where there was a Resistance base. Problem is… the events of The Last Jedi have already begun and there’s nothing left but the remnants of a space battle. Without enough coaxium to make another jump, they’ve got no choice except to hope they can salvage some from the remnants of the First Order’s dreadnought and also hope the First Order doesn’t find them first. Continue reading

Resistance Review: No Escape Parts 1+2

It wasn’t that long ago that we all sat down to discuss the premiere of Star Wars Resistance and now here we are, mere months later, all ready to discuss the finale. Just like with that first episode, we’re doing this round robin style so keep on reading for all of our takes on not only the season finale but the first season in general.

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Resistance Review: Descent

We are definitely not in slow burn territory anymore. Star Wars Resistance is going full steam ahead and I am Here. For. It!

Although last week’s rescue mission went well, Kaz is in a brand new boatload of trouble. The First Order shows up at Yeager’s garage to arrest all of them for being a Resistance cell. Everyone gets away except for Tam who is arrested and also, coincidentally, the one truly innocent person in this whole mess. In an effort to save the station, Kaz and Yaeger hatch a truly absurd plan to try and break the communications blackout and get a message to the Resistance… they just have to get Captain Doza to agree. Continue reading

Resistance Review: The Core Problem

The First Order is jamming all communication off the Colossus, so Kaz  — aka Lone Wolf — is trying to built a transmitter to break through the jamming and contact Poe Dameron with updates about the First Order presence on the station. Kaz isn’t great at building things, but that’s okay, because Poe Dameron just so happens to show up in Yeager’s hangar at the same time. He needs to take BB-8 on a mission to Jakku. JAKKU. You know, the place where The Force Awakens starts off. He’ll leave CB-23, that cutie, with Kaz to help complete his mission on the Colossus. However, Poe can’t just leave and be done with it. Kaz has intelligence that the First Order is up to something in a sector of the Unknown Regions. Theoretically, the First Order wants the Colossus as a refueling station or base, as it’s the last stop before the Unknown Regions. Poe decides they need to check it out before he heads off to Jakku, because he’s an overachiever. Continue reading

Resistance Review: The New Trooper

This first season of Star Wars Resistance has been a real slow burn–and in my opinion, that’s been the perfect way to introduce audiences to this show. As we watch the First Order begin to creep across the galaxy, the show responds by increasing the tension and getting darker, more ominous. This week’s episode, “The New Trooper,” is a perfect example of Resistance cranking up the atmospheric dread as we get closer and closer to the destruction of the Hosnian system. Continue reading

Resistance Review: The First Order Occupation

What I really appreciate about Star Wars Resistance right now is that Lucasfilm is resisting the urge to make Kaz a super-spy by the end of season one. Sure, he’s gotten (marginally) better at… existing by now, but he is still the worst spy in the galaxy far, far away this side of Jar Jar Binks in The Clone Wars. It’s endearing, and it leaves a ton of room for character development. Continue reading

Resistance Review: The Doza Dilemma

Three episodes into the second half of the season and Star Wars Resistance is reminding us that it is not messing around. The mid-season trailer showed us that dark times are ahead and this episode certainly helped drive the point home.

In “The Doza Dilemma”, Synara finds herself caught between a rock and a hard place as her pirate boss Kragin orders her to assist two of his pirates with getting into the tower so they can kidnap Torra and use her as collateral against her father. It’d be less of an issue for her if it didn’t also mean Synara had to betray her new friendship with Torra. Kaz and the Aces give chase only for the First Order to intervene in a most unexpected manner. Continue reading

Resistance Review: Bibo

Hey, is this thing on? Oh, good–because Star Wars Resistance is back after its mid-season hiatus with a delightful little episode called “Bibo.”

Longtime Lucasfilm animation fans know that it’s just not a Star Wars cartoon without at least one creature-centered episode, and “Bibo” fits that bill with relish, while hinting at exciting things to come.

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